American Aviator
American Aviator: A Premium Cigar Experience
Principle Cigars, the renowned producer of artisanal cigars, is known for its diverse and exclusive range of cigars. Among them, the Aviator Series is a true gem, made from aged tobacco that is carefully selected from private estates. This limited, ongoing production is a favorite among connoisseurs who appreciate the exquisite taste and aroma that each cigar offers.
One of the most popular cigars in the Aviator Series is the Aviator Grande Pyramide. Made with an Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper, Dominican binder, and Nicaraguan, Dominican, and U.S.A. fillers, this 6.5x56 Vitola is a medium-bodied cigar that offers a smoking time of 84 minutes. The Aviator Grande Pyramide is a true delight for cigar aficionados who want to indulge in a premium cigar experience.
Cigar Vixen, a renowned cigar reviewer, gave a positive review of the Aviator Grande Pyramide three years ago, stating that it was a truly remarkable cigar. The striking silver band with an art nouveau design distinguishes it from other cigars and adds to the luxurious look and feel of the cigar.
But the Aviator Series is not just limited to the Grande Pyramide. The Cochon Volante is another outstanding cigar in the series. This cigar has a unique pigtail cap and is made with a Mexican San Andres wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. This cigar has a medium-bodied taste with notes of roasted coffee, cocoa, and earthy undertones.
Principle Cigars has recently expanded the Aviator Series by introducing the Aviator NightFlight line, which will be launched in Europe. The Aviator NightFlight line features a dark and oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and fillers from Nicaragua and Peru. This blend creates a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor that is sure to satisfy even the most demanding of palettes.
In conclusion, the Aviator Series from Principle Cigars is a true artisanal cigar that offers a premium smoking experience. With its varied range of blends and flavors, cigar enthusiasts can indulge in a unique and luxurious experience that cannot be found elsewhere. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a beginner, the Aviator Series has a cigar for every palette. So, go ahead, and treat yourself to a truly exceptional cigar experience.