TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


expected to be tobacco users by 2025, showing a positive trend towards decreasing tobacco use. However, cigarette smoking remains the dominant form of tobacco use, with over 80% of tobacco users smoking cigarettes.

In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of vaping as an alternative to smoking. The use of e-cigarettes, or vapes, has become increasingly common among young people. This has prompted concerns about the potential risks of vaping, particularly for underage individuals.

To address these concerns, the UK government has taken steps to regulate the sale and distribution of tobacco products and vapes. Trading standards officers now have the power to take immediate action against retailers who sell tobacco or vapes to underage customers. This complements the existing maximum fine of £2,500 that local authorities can impose for such offenses.

The government has also introduced a fixed penalty notice (FPN) of £100 for the underage sale, proxy purchase, and free distribution of tobacco products and vapes. This is aimed at deterring retailers from selling these products to young people and enforcing the minimum legal age of 18 for their purchase.

Despite these efforts to regulate tobacco and vape products, there are still concerns about the potential risks of using them. Studies have shown that e-cigarettes may expose users to harmful chemicals and toxins, albeit to a lesser extent than conventional cigarettes. In addition, the long-term health effects of vaping are still not fully understood.

Therefore, it is important for individuals to be informed about the potential risks of tobacco and vape use and to make informed decisions about their own health. This includes avoiding tobacco products altogether and, if choosing to use vapes, selecting products that are regulated and approved for use.

In conclusion, the use of tobacco products has been declining globally, but cigarette smoking remains the dominant form of tobacco use. The popularity of vapes has raised concerns about the potential risks of underage use. The UK government has taken steps to regulate the sale and distribution of tobacco and vape products, with FPNs and on-the-spot enforcement actions by trading standards officers. However, individuals must also be informed about the risks of these products and make informed decisions about their health.

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