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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Absinthe is a high-alcohol, anise-flavored spirit that is traditionally associated with France, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe. It is made from a variety of botanicals, including anise, fennel, and wormwood, and is typically bottled at a high proof.

Absinthe has a reputation for being a potent, mind-altering drink due to its alleged psychoactive properties. These properties were believed to be due to the presence of thujone, a chemical compound found in wormwood, which was thought to have hallucinogenic effects. However, modern research has shown that the amount of thujone in absinthe is not enough to cause significant psychoactive effects.

Absinthe is traditionally served by placing a sugar cube on a perforated spoon over a glass of absinthe, then slowly dripping ice-cold water over the sugar cube to dilute the absinthe and release its flavors and aromas. This process, known as the "louche," creates a milky white appearance and a complex flavor profile.

Absinthe was banned in many countries in the early 20th century due to concerns about its alleged psychoactive effects, but it has since been legalized in most countries, including the United States. Today, there are many different types and brands of absinthe available, ranging from traditional styles to modern interpretations. Some popular absinthe brands include Pernod, Lucid, and La Fee.

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