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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Century USA Pipe Tobacco

Century USA Pipe Tobacco

Originally blended in Kentucky, USA for New Jersey based Century Tobacco Company. Over the years, the production factory passed through several USA companies following 'buy outs' whilst becoming the No.1 selling bulk (loose) in the USA. Today 'Weigh out' sales of Century blends remain the 'backbone' of the brand although additionally, today 6 favourites are pre-packaged exclusively for the UK in 25g pouches. Please note in May 2017 due to the new tobacco laws, some of the names changed as below Black Cherry became Black C (B-23) Licorice/ Sambuca became L/S Blend Columbian Coffee became Columbian Black Cordial became Black Cord Golden Honey became Golden H Blend Royal Champagne became RC Blend D40 Vanilla became D-40 Blend Irish Cream became Irish CM Black Spice became Black SP Buttered Rum became BR Blend Blueberry Black Cavendish became Blue B Cavendish

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