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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Cigars have been a symbol of wealth, luxury and class for centuries. Smoking cigars is regarded as a great way to relax and unwind. It is important to know the proper way to cut and store cigars. One of the most popular methods of cutting a cigar is by using a "rips" method. This method offers a larger opening and allows the smoker to enjoy the full aroma of the cigar.

The rips method involves cutting a small slit in the head of the cigar, which is the end that is smoked. The advantage of this method is the large opening of the cigar, which allows for the full enjoyment of the cigar’s aromas. It is essential to use a proper cutter for this method. A double-blade cutter is recommended for a clean and precise cut.

For centuries, cigars have been made from tobacco. The process of creating cigars is a lengthy one, with several important steps. The tobacco goes through a process of harvesting, curing and aging. It is essential to use high-quality tobacco for the best results. Once the tobacco leaves are ready, they are assembled and rolled into cigars of various sizes and shapes. The biggest year for U.S. cigar production was in 1920, even with alcohol prohibition in effect. A staggering eight billion cigars were made in that year alone.

The most significant concern that cigar lovers have is how to properly store their cigars. Cigars are made from tobacco leaves, which are susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. It is crucial to store them in a cool, dark and humid environment to maintain their freshness. A Ziploc bag or a Tupperware container with a tight seal can be used to store cigars. Introducing the cigars to humidity gradually is vital as they can absorb too much moisture, causing the wrapper to become too soft and fall apart. It is recommended to start with a lower relative humidity level, like 62%.

Cigars that are dry lose their natural oils and develop a flavor that is harsh and unenjoyable. Cigar lovers dread the thought of their cigars drying out. Dry cigars do not smoke smoothly and are not pleasant to smoke. To prevent cigars from drying out, it is essential to keep them in a humid environment. According to experts, the ideal conditions are between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity level of 70%. This creates an environment that is perfect for cigars to mature and age naturally.

In conclusion, enjoying a cigar is a unique experience, but it requires a little bit of knowledge to get started. Cutting and storing cigars properly is essential to ensure that they remain fresh and flavorful. The rips method is a popular way to cut a cigar, and it offers a large opening for a perfect draw and aroma. High-quality tobacco is used to produce cigars after going through the rigorous process of harvesting, curing, and aging. Cigar aficionados take care to store their cigars properly by introducing them to humidity gradually, storing them in a cool, dark and humid environment. Dry cigars are unenjoyable, and they lose their natural oils and flavor. Knowing how to store and cut your cigars is the key to enjoying a satisfying and flavorful smoking experience.

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