Maris: The Legend of Cuban Cigars
Cuban cigars, known for their unique and smooth taste, have been the favorite of cigar aficionados worldwide. Among the legendary cigar makers lies Maris, a brand that has been producing some of the best cigars in the world for over a hundred years. Let's take a closer look at the history of Maris, and how it has become an iconic brand in the cigar industry.
Turning Point #1: The Creation
In the late 1800s, Maris was created by Melanio Maris, a Cuban tobacco farmer who had a passion for cigars. Melanio was dedicated to choosing the best tobacco leaves from his plantation, and he started rolling cigars by hand. His dedication and passion for cigars soon became widely recognized in Cuba, and the Maris brand was born.
Turning Point #2: The ‘Discovery’
The Maris brand became more popular in the early 1900s, thanks to a chance encounter with an American businessman who visited Cuba. The businessman, impressed by the taste and quality of Maris cigars, took a few of them with him when he left Cuba. He later shared them with his friends, who were also impressed by the superior taste of Maris cigars. This exposure led to the rise in demand for Maris cigars, not only in Cuba but internationally as well.
Turning Point #3: The Cuban Legend
During the 1920s and 1930s, Maris cigars gained iconic status in Cuba. They were the cigars of choice for politicians, celebrities, and high society. The brand became known for its exquisite craftsmanship, using only high-quality tobacco leaves, and the slow, meticulous process of rolling each cigar by hand. This popularity established Maris as a luxury brand in the cigar world.
Turning Point #4: Coming to America
In the 1950s, the Maris brand expanded its reach when it started exporting cigars to the United States. Americans quickly fell in love with the taste and quality of Maris cigars, and the demand for them skyrocketed. The Maris brand went on to become one of the best-selling cigars in the US market.
Turning Point #5: The Cuban Revolution
The 1960s were turbulent years for Cuba, as the country underwent a period of revolution and political upheaval. Many cigar brands left Cuba during this time, including Maris. The company had to navigate the challenge of maintaining its quality standards while producing cigars in other countries. To ensure the quality of their tobacco leaves, Maris began using a selection process to source the best leaves from different parts of the world.
Turning Point #6: The Boom
In the 1990s, the cigar industry experienced a boom period in the US, due to the relaxation of trade laws. Maris cigars became even more popular, as they were now available in countries all over the world. This boom period also saw the emergence of several new cigar brands, but Maris managed to maintain its position as one of the best cigars in the market.
Turning Point #7: An Opening
In the years that followed, Maris continued to innovate and expand its product line. This included the introduction of new blends and flavors, as well as new cigar sizes to appeal to a wider range of cigar enthusiasts. With a solid reputation in the cigar industry, Maris remains a favorite among cigar newbies and aficionados alike.
In conclusion, Maris is a legendary Cuban cigar brand that has been in existence for over a century, with a rich history and a reputation for producing some of the best cigars in the world. The brand has faced many challenges over the years, but it has survived and thrived, thanks to its passion for quality and craftsmanship. Maris cigars remain a beloved brand among cigar enthusiasts worldwide, and it is easy to see why.