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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Skipper: A Complete Guide to Enjoying Your Cigar

A cigar is a symbol of luxury, relaxation, and celebration. Among the many varieties of cigars available in the market, Skipper is a premium brand that promises to deliver a rich and satisfying cigar experience to its users. However, smoking a cigar is not as simple as lighting it up and puffing away. There are several steps involved in preparing, cutting, lighting and smoking a cigar to get the most out of the experience. This article will guide you through the essential steps involved in enjoying a Skipper cigar fully.

Choosing The Cigar:

A cigar is not just a piece of tobacco rolled up in a wrapper; it is a work of art. Each cigar has a different flavor, strength, and character. As such, it is essential to choose a cigar that suits your taste preferences. Skipper offers a wide range of cigars with different flavors and strengths, so it's worth spending some time researching and trying out different varieties to find the perfect match for you.

Cutting The Cigar:

Before smoking a cigar, it needs to be cut. The purpose of the cut is to create an opening for the smoke to pass through, allowing you to draw and enjoy the flavor and aroma of the cigar fully. The type of cut you choose will depend on your personal preference. Skipper cigars usually come with a notch, making it easy to cut the tip of the cigar without damaging the wrapper.

Your First Draw:

Once the cigar is cut, the next step is to take your first draw. Inhaling the smoke is not recommended, but instead, gently draw the smoke into your mouth and savor the flavor. Skipper cigars are known for their smooth and rich flavors, so take your time and enjoy each puff.

Lighting The Cigar:

To light the cigar, hold it close to the flame and rotate it slowly, making sure that the flame touches the end of the cigar. Avoid using matches or candles, as they can affect the flavor of the cigar. Toasting the cigar ensures that it lights evenly, and it helps to warm up the tobacco before drawing from it.

How to Draw on A Cigar Without Inhaling:

Drawing on a cigar should be a slow and conscious process. Inhaling the smoke can cause burnout, ruining the flavor of the cigar. Instead, draw the smoke into your mouth, and then exhale it. Take your time between draws to allow the tobacco to cool.

How to Hold A Cigar:

Holding a cigar is an art form. Avoid squeezing the cigar tightly or letting it dangle from your mouth. Hold it loosely between your thumb and forefinger, making sure your hands don't touch the wrapper.

Dealing with The Ash:

Ash is a natural byproduct of smoking a cigar. Don't worry if the ash falls off; it's entirely normal. However, if you want to keep the ash, tap the cigar lightly to remove any excess ash and to create a cone shape at the tip to keep the cigar burning evenly.

Do You Remove The Band?

The band is a decorative item placed on the cigar to identify the brand and ensure quality. You can leave the band on or take it off, depending on your preference. However, if the cigar is still hot, it's advisable to wait a few moments before removing it to avoid spiraling.

When to Stop Smoking & Put Out Your Cigar:

Cigars are an enjoyable form of relaxation, but it’s essential to know when to stop smoking the cigar. A cigar should not be smoked beyond two-thirds of its length, as smoking the cigar beyond this point can cause the tobacco to become too hot, resulting in a bitter taste.

Cleansing Your Palate & Smoking Another:

After finishing your first cigar, it’s a good idea to cleanse your palate by drinking water or a non-alcoholic beverage to avoid mixing flavors. If you’re not yet finished with your experience, go ahead and smoke another. You may find that the second cigar delivers a different flavor profile or strength.

Finally, If you are traveling with your cigars, keep it safe. Cigar Cutters are generally permitted in checked bags, but TSA officers can restrict items as they see fit. These practical steps will ensure the safety of your Skipper cigars and enable you to enjoy them whenever you want.

In conclusion, smoking a cigar is an enjoyable experience that requires specific steps to follow, ensuring a premium cigar smoking experience. With this complete guide, you're sure to enjoy a Skipper cigar fully and savor its rich and smooth flavors truly. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the taste of luxury with Skipper.

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