Bull Moose: A New Line of Super-Sized Smokes
Bull Moose, a new line of super-sized smokes, will be shipped to retailers in early May. This Nicaraguan puro made exclusively with Nicaraguan Habano is a must-have for cigar enthusiasts. Bull Moose offers a rich smoke with notes of dark chocolate and nuts, wrapping up with a zesty, spicy finish.
Bull Moose's full-time line will launch with four sizes, each packed in a cedar sleeve to ensure optimal freshness. The four available sizes are 5 x 60, 6 x 60, 6 x 70, and 7 x 60. If you like big ring gauges, then Bull Moose's straight-barreled cigars need to make it into your humidor. Gordo fanatics will be thrilled to know that it is offered in sizes as large as 7.0" x 60.
Crafted by the Forged Cigar Co. in Nicaragua, Bull Moose is a cigar that delivers a strong flavor profile. Unlike other cigars that blend tobaccos from different countries or regions, Bull Moose is made exclusively with Nicaraguan Habano tobaccos. This unique blend ensures an unparalleled taste and experience for the cigar smoker.
In recent years, many cigar enthusiasts have turned to Nicaraguan cigars, as they are regarded as some of the finest cigars available. The volcanic ash in the soil of Nicaragua produces tobaccos that are rich in flavor and aroma. Nicaraguan Habano tobaccos in particular are highly sought after due to their strong yet smooth flavor.
Bull Moose is an excellent addition to any cigar aficionado's collection. Its unique blend and strong flavor profile make it stand out among other cigars. The cigars are also reasonably priced, making them accessible to a wider audience.
Bull Moose is available at Cuenca Cigars, a family-owned and operated business that has been serving cigar enthusiasts for over 15 years. They are committed to quality and strive to provide their customers with a wide selection of cigars to choose from. To learn more about Bull Moose and other cigars, visit their website at cuencacigars.com.
In conclusion, Bull Moose is a cigar that offers a strong flavor profile and a unique blend of Nicaraguan Habano tobaccos. Its availability in four sizes and cedar sleeves make it an excellent choice for cigar enthusiasts. If you're looking for a new cigar to add to your collection, Bull Moose is definitely worth trying out. Get your hands on them now and experience the rich taste and aroma of Nicaragua in a cigar like never-before.