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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Shisha Tobacco

Shisha Tobacco

Shisha Tobacco: A Health Hazard for Oral Health

Shisha tobacco, also known as hookah or water pipe tobacco, is a smoking habit that dates back to the 16th century when a physician named Hakim Abul-Fath Gilani invented the device. This method of smoking tobacco involves passing smoke through water before it is inhaled through a long hose. Shisha smoking is rapidly gaining popularity among students and young adults in many countries, including Malaysia. However, despite its popularity, shisha tobacco poses several health risks.

Shisha tobacco often contains the same type of tobacco found in cigarettes, meaning that shisha smokers are at risk of developing the same health problems as cigarette smokers. Smoking shisha for an hour can be equivalent to inhaling smoke from 100 or more cigarettes. The tobacco is often sweetened to make it appealing to users, but this only masks its bitter taste and makes it more addictive. This sweetening also contributes to the harmful substances released during smoking.

Shisha smoking is known to be detrimental to oral health. The water in the device does not filter out all the harmful substances, and thus, the smoke contains high levels of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can cause damage to the teeth, gums, and mouth tissue. The smoke can also cause stained teeth, bad breath, and dry mouth. Research has shown that shisha smoking increases the risk of oral cancer, lung cancer, and other health problems.

Despite the dangers of shisha smoking, many users perceive it as a cultural habit that is socially acceptable and less risky than smoking cigarettes. This impression is far from the truth, and it is important to raise awareness of the health risks associated with this practice. Many dentists and health professionals are now advocating for stricter laws regarding the use of shisha tobacco in public places.

In conclusion, shisha tobacco is a centuries-old traditional smoking habit that is gaining popularity among young adults and students worldwide. However, shisha smoking is not without risks. It can lead to serious health problems, including oral cancer, lung cancer, and damage to the teeth, gums, and mouth tissue. It is essential to raise awareness of these health risks and encourage individuals to avoid this harmful practice. Authorities should also implement stricter laws regarding the use of shisha tobacco in public places to protect the lives and health of individuals.

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