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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg


Snoop Dogg is a name that is synonymous with the world of music and entertainment. He has been around for decades, and his music and lifestyle have made him an iconic figure in the industry. When it comes to celebrities and their preferred indulgences, Snoop Dogg is a name that often comes to mind. Known for his laid-back demeanor and easy-going personality, Snoop Dogg is a beloved figure that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of fans all over the world.

His Cigar Brand:

Snoop Dogg is always up to something new. In 2012, he made headlines when he announced the launch of his new cigar brand Executive Branch. The rapper, who was recently arrested in Texas for marijuana possession, planned to venture into the tobacco industry with his new cigar label. This was no surprise, given Snoop's well-known love for smoking. He aimed to capture the market with his brand of cigars, which he claimed was unique and tailored to suit his personal tastes.

The Launch:

On the 13th of January, 2012, Snoop Dogg made it official that he would be launching his brand of cigars. The rapper, who released his 11th studio album 'Doggumentary' the previous year, was confident about this new venture. He believed that his brand of cigars would be a hit with his fans and other aficionados in the industry. Snoop Dogg's cigar range was christened Executive Branch, and it was set to take the market by storm.

Selling the Cigars:

Snoop Dogg is a marketing genius, and he knew that he had to do something special to promote his cigars. He planned to sell them through his online store and in select high-end stores across the United States. The 'Drop it like it's Hot' star claimed that his cigars were of high quality and that they were made from premium tobacco leaves. Snoop also stated that he had personally sampled each cigar to ensure that it met his exacting standards.


In conclusion, Snoop Dogg has never been one to shy away from trying new things. His foray into the tobacco industry with the launch of his Executive Branch cigar range is just another example of his enterprising spirit. He has always been a trendsetter, and he aimed to set a new standard with his cigars. Although it has been a while since the launch of his cigar brand, Snoop Dogg's fans still remember this epic moment in his career. His cigar range has gone down in history as one of the many milestones in Snoop Dogg's illustrious career, and it will always hold a special place in the hearts of his many fans.

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