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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Wood and its Role in Cigar Making

Cigar making involves a complex process that starts with the planting of tobacco seeds all the way to smoking a finished cigar. We have already discussed the different phases of cigar making such as curing, fermentation, aging, and rolling. Now, let us take a closer look at one essential component of a cigar- wood.

Wood serves several purposes in the cigar making process. Firstly, it is used to create cigar boxes where finished cigars are stored. These boxes are not just airtight containers that keep cigars fresh but also serve as a marketing tool to attract buyers. Crafting and engraving wooden cigar boxes is a fun project that cigar enthusiasts can undertake particularly if they plan to give it as a gift to fellow cigar lovers.

Wood also plays a critical role in the aging process of cigars. Aging is a slow and delicate process that involves storing cigars in ideal conditions and temperatures. Humidity, temperature, and light are essential factors that affect the aging process of cigars, and wooden boxes help to regulate these variables, providing a stable environment for the cigars to mature. Spanish cedar is a wood commonly used to make cigar boxes as it has the property of maintaining the humidity levels needed to age cigars.

Another crucial use of wood in cigar making is in the construction of the cigar itself. The tobacco leaves used to make a cigar are wrapped in a sheet of tobacco called a binder. The binder holds the cigar together and affixes the wrapper to the filler. Wood is used to make molds that shape and compress the binder, ensuring that it clings tightly to the filler. Molds are created in different shapes and sizes to achieve the desired shape of the cigar.

The wrapper, which is the outermost layer of the cigar, is a thin, flexible piece of tobacco that covers the binder and filler. Wrappers are distinguished by their color, texture, and veining, and they play a significant role in the flavor and aroma of a cigar. Wood also plays a part in the creation of wrapper leaves. After the tobacco leaves have been harvested, they are hung in curing barns where they dry. The drying process is delicate, and tobacco must be dried slowly at a controlled temperature, which is usually achieved by burning wood fires in the barns.

In conclusion, wood is an essential component of cigar making. It is used to create cigar boxes and provide a stable environment for cigar aging. Moreover, wood makes molds used to shape cigars and creates a controlled temperature for drying tobacco leaves. The use of wood in cigar making is not just a practical necessity, but it adds to the overall aesthetic value of a cigar. Every cigar lover can appreciate a well-crafted wooden cigar box and the subtle hints of cedar in a perfectly aged cigar.

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