Tube: a Practical and Protective Solution for your Cigars
Cigar tubes serve a practical and protective function, making them a favorite among cigar aficionados. These tubes help to keep undesired fingerprints off a cigar, and act as a protective barrier, safeguarding against any damage to the cigar's wrapper.
Most manufacturers will select a few choice offerings and pack them in cigar tubes, such as the La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition Platinum No. 2 (Tubo) and the La Flor Dominicana Oro Chisel, both of which come in gold-colored tubes. The unique color of these tubes is a nod to their creator's previous job as a jeweler, which he worked into the design to add a touch of luxury to the experience of smoking a cigar.
Cigar tubes offer an additional layer of protection that ensures the cigar maintains its quality while being stored or transported. This ensures that the cigar's flavors and aromas remain intact until it is time for enjoyment.
When it comes to the basics of cigars, it's essential to understand the different parts that make up a cigar. Cuban cigars, for example, consist of three parts: the filler, the binder, and the wrapper. The filler, rolled by hand using the tobacco leaves, is what gives the cigar its unique flavor. The binder holds the filler leaves together while the cigar is being rolled, and the wrapper is the outermost layer of tobacco leaves that give the cigar its distinctive appearance.
Cigar sizes vary, and each has its unique name. A Churchill cigar, for instance, is named after the famed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who was fond of smoking cigars. This size measures 7 inches by 47 ring gauge. Other types of cigars include Robusto, Toro, Pyramid, and Double Corona.
In conclusion, cigar tubes serve a practical and protective function, making them a favorite among cigar aficionados. They offer an additional layer of protection to ensure that the cigar's quality remains intact until it's time to enjoy. Understanding the basics of cigars such as their different parts and sizes is also essential for a better smoking experience.