Excelsior: The Legacy of a Leading 5 Cent Cigar
In 1891, Baltimore entrepreneur Bernard Link built the Excelsior Cigar Factory and advertised his product in The Baltimore Sun as "The Leading 5 Cent Cigar In The World." It became a popular brand that lasted for over a century. Today, the company is known as Excelsior Tobacco and still follows the principle that the foundation of any great cigar is the tobacco used to create it.
The history of cigars dates back to the 10th century when the Mayans were known to smoke tobacco in various forms, including cigars. However, it was in the 16th century when cigars were introduced to Europe, and from there, their popularity spread. The tobacco used in cigars is different from that used in cigarettes. While cigarettes contain only 1 gram of tobacco, cigars can have between 5 and 17 grams, making them larger and capable of delivering a stronger flavor and aroma.
Excelsior Tobacco understands the importance of using high-quality tobacco in their cigars. When the Olivas created Doña Lydia, they wanted to produce a cigar that was different from all the others in the market. They focused on using tobacco that was exclusive to them and used experienced rollers to make the cigars by hand. This approach allowed them to produce consistent and high-quality cigars, which paved the way for the establishment of Excelsior Tobacco.
Today, Excelsior Tobacco uses a variety of tobacco in their cigars, including the exclusive Oliva tobacco and Cuban-seed tobacco that provides richness to the taste and aroma. Their commitment to using the best tobacco has earned them a reputation as a top cigar brand.
The cigars produced by Excelsior Tobacco come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the Petit Corona, a small but full-flavored cigar, to the Churchill, a larger cigar that extends the smoking experience. The different sizes cater to different smokers, from those who prefer a shorter smoke to those who enjoy a long, leisurely smoking experience.
Cigar enthusiasts can find Excelsior Cigars in stock and on sale. The brand offers a diverse range of flavors, including the bold Excelsior Maduro, which is made using a dark, fermented wrapper leaf that provides a rich flavor. The sweetness of the cigar balances the intensity of the tobacco, creating a smooth and flavorful smoking experience. For those who prefer a more mellow experience, Excelsior Tobacco provides the Connecticut Shade, which has a lighter taste and is perfect for a relaxing smoke.
In conclusion, Excelsior Tobacco's commitment to using only high-quality tobacco in their cigars has allowed them to establish a reputation as a top cigar brand. Their diverse range of flavors and sizes cater to different smokers, making a smoking experience everyone can enjoy. Although the Excelsior Cigar Factory closed its doors long ago, the brand lives on as a testament to the quality of cigars that have stood the test of time.