Enzian: A Cigar Worth Trying
Cigars have a rich history that dates back centuries, with evidence of indigenous peoples in the Caribbean smoking rolled tobacco leaves as early as the 9th century. Fast-forward to present day, and cigars have maintained their popularity among aficionados worldwide. In this Cigars 101 guide, we'll explore the fascinating world of cigars, from their origins and history to their types and how to select, store, and enjoy them.
During the cigar boom in the late 1990s and early 2000s, anti-smoking regulations in the United States were still in their infancy. Hence, restaurateurs eagerly welcomed cigar lovers, and cigar bars and dinners popped up everywhere. Enzian is one cigar that has stood out since then.
A cigar is a tobacco product made to be smoked. It consists of a filler, binder, and wrapper, which are all rolled together. Different tobaccos are combined in precise ratios to make up the parts of a cigar. We’re going to dissect the anatomy of a cigar and show you what it’s made of.
Enzian is a premium cigar that comes with an airtight storage tube and a double guillotine-style cutter. It is produced in a variety of shapes and sizes, with the robusto size being one of the most popular. A robusto cigar is generally between 4.5 and 5.5 inches long, with a ring gauge (diameter) of 50. The perfect size for a relaxing smoke that lasts between thirty minutes to an hour.
What makes Enzian cigars unique is the blend of tobaccos used in each one. The filler tobacco is sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Peru. The binder is from Nicaragua, and the wrapper from Ecuador. The combination of these tobaccos creates a complex and unique flavor profile that is both smooth and bold.
When selecting Enzian cigars, it's important to choose the right size and shape based on preference and smoking time. If you prefer a shorter smoke, the petit corona or the cigarillo sizes might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a longer smoke, the Churchill or torpedo sizes might be a better option.
Storing cigars is crucial to maintain their quality. Enzian’s airtight storage tube provides excellent protection for the cigars, reducing the risk of drying and damage. It is best to keep Enzian cigars at a temperature between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of around 70%. This will ensure that the cigars remain fresh and flavorful for longer.
Enzian cigars have gained popularity among smokers due to their unique flavor profile and the traditional methods used to produce them. The cigars are hand-rolled, and each one is crafted with precision and care. The tobacco used in each cigar is aged for several years, ensuring an excellent overall smoking experience.
In conclusion, if you are a cigar aficionado or a beginner looking to try a premium cigar, Enzian is a brand worth trying. The unique blend of tobaccos and the traditional methods used to produce each cigar creates a rich and flavorful smoking experience that is hard to forget. Remember to store your cigars correctly, and select the right size and shape to enhance your overall smoking experience.