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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


The Foundation Cigar Company, a distinguished name in the cigar industry, has released its latest cigar, The Tabernacle Knight Commander. This new release is priced at $40 per cigar and $480 for a box of 12 cigars, making it a premium cigar for cigar enthusiasts. The company has stated that production is limited to 700 boxes per year. This exclusive cigar is unlike previous releases in The Tabernacle line and has been eagerly awaited by cigar aficionados.

The Tabernacle Knight Commander has been aged for 15 months in cedar before being packed and shipped. This aging process is essential for producing a smooth and rich flavor that is characteristic of premium cigars. The company's attention to detail and patience in aging the cigar reveals the expertise and dedication of its craftsmen.

In addition to its excellent flavor, The Tabernacle Knight Commander has a philanthropic heart. The company has pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds from each cigar sold to charity. This aspect of the product promotes social responsibility and demonstrates the company's commitment to giving back to the community.

The limited production of The Tabernacle Knight Commander enhances its exclusivity and appeal to cigar collectors. Furthermore, its introduction at the PCA trade show in Las Vegas has elevated its prestige and reputation in the cigar industry. The introduction of this cigar has created a buzz amongst cigar enthusiasts and has created an opportunity for people to experience a rare and unique flavor.

The Tabernacle Knight Commander comes in 12-count boxes, making it an excellent gift option for cigar lovers. The cigars are packaged immaculately, and the branding on the boxes is impeccable. The packaging and presentation add to the overall experience of smoking this premium cigar.

In conclusion, The Tabernacle Knight Commander is a premium cigar that has lived up to its lofty expectations. With its rich flavor, immaculate packaging, and philanthropic heart, this cigar will undoubtedly be a favorite amongst cigar enthusiasts. The limited production and exclusive availability of The Tabernacle Knight Commander make it a rare and special experience that should be savored and appreciated. As a new addition to The Tabernacle line, the Knight Commander has cemented its place as a top-tier cigar brand.

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