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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Ramon Allones Cigars

Ramon Allones Cigars

The Ramon Allones cigar brand has been a notable player in the cigar market since its founding in 1837. This brand has played an essential role in the history of cigars, thanks to the imagination of Ramon Allones, who successfully transformed the cigar industry during the 19th century.

Ramon Allones was born in Galicia and rose to fame in the mid-1800s as a tobacco enthusiast. He was passionate about cigars and envisioned a brand that would be known for its high-quality. To achieve this, he combined his knowledge of tobacco with his business acumen to establish the Ramon Allones brand.

Ramon Allones cigars quickly became a favorite amongst cigar smokers during the 1800s, especially in Europe. The company's reputation grew, thanks to its commitment to using the finest tobacco leaves and perfecting its unique blend. This led to the brand receiving numerous awards at trade fairs around the world.

Despite Ramon Allones's death in 1887, his brand continued to grow and prosper. In the late 1800s, the brand was sold to Cifuentes, Pego y Cia, which helped to expand its reach. The brand's popularity continued to grow, leading to the opening of a cigar factory in Havana, Cuba.

The Ramon Allones brand was later acquired by the UK importer, Hunters and Frankau. This acquisition helped the brand to transition into the 20th century, while also ensuring that its legacy would live on. Today, Ramon Allones cigars are still considered to be amongst the best in the market.

One of the standout features of Ramon Allones cigars is their unique blend, which includes a mix of tobacco from various regions in Cuba. The blend's flavor profile is complex, with hints of pepper, nuttiness, and dark chocolate. The cigars' draw is also noteworthy, being smooth and easy, while producing a significant amount of smoke.

In recent years, Ramon Allones cigars have undergone significant changes to appeal to a broader range of cigar smokers. The brand has introduced new sizes and shapes, including the iconic Ramon Allones Specially Selected. The brand has also experimented with new blends, such as the Ramon Allones Allones No. 2, which features a robust and bold flavor palette.

In conclusion, the Ramon Allones cigar brand holds a significant place in cigar history, thanks to its founder's vision and passion. The brand has endured and grown over the years, thanks to its commitment to quality and innovation. Today, Ramon Allones cigars remain a favorite amongst cigar enthusiasts worldwide, known for their unique blend and complex flavor profile.