Regius Cigars - Nicaraguan Cigars
Regius Cigars are a symbol of luxury and quality lifestyle. The brand produces its cigars in Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua, which is also known as Tavicusa. This factory is famous for producing some seven million cigars a year, and it is where Regius crafts its blends.
Nicaragua is known as the "land of lakes and volcanoes". The soil of the country is rich and diverse, which makes it perfect for growing tobacco. Regius sources only the finest tobacco in the country, handpicking the leaves to create their blends. This attention to detail ensures a consistent and premium smoking experience.
The Covid pandemic was a significant boost for the tobacco industry in Nicaragua. In 2020, the country exported approximately 180 million cigars, worth about $400. This was great news for the industry, and Regius was one of the brands that benefited from this boom.
The Regius brand was first launched in London and later made its way to the United States. Akhil Kapacee, the founder of Regius, wanted to create a brand that would evoke memories of the only cigars he ever smoked. The brand has since become a favorite of many cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Regius is known for its high-quality cigars, and the brand takes pride in its unique blends. The brand offers several cigar lines; each of which features a distinct blend of Nicaraguan tobacco. The Regius brand offers a wide range of flavors that cater to beginners and cigar aficionados alike.
Regius cigars are handcrafted, making them unique and luxurious. The company takes great care in selecting the right tobacco, and every step of the process is done by hand. This results in a cigar that is not only visually appealing but also delivers an excellent smoking experience.
In conclusion, Regius Cigars are a symbol of luxury and quality. The brand is known for handcrafting its cigars with the finest tobacco sourced from Nicaragua. The unique blends and flavors offered by Regius have made it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Regius Cigars take pride in their products, and it is evident in every cigar they produce. If you are a fan of high-quality cigars, Regius Cigars should be on your list of brands to try.