Hygrometers & Humidifiers
Every True Cigar Aficionado Needs a Hygrometer
For cigar enthusiasts, one of the most important aspects of owning and storing cigars is maintaining the proper level of humidity. The ideal humidity level for storing cigars is between 65% and 75%. Any higher, and the cigars may become too moist, causing issues with their construction and flavor. Any lower, and the cigars may dry out, losing their essential oils that provide their distinct aroma and taste. To ensure that your cigars stay in optimal condition, you must invest in a hygrometer.
A hygrometer is an instrument used to measure the humidity level and assist with maintaining the optimum humidity level within a humidor. There are two primary types of humidifiers, electronic and manual. An electronic humidifier uses a digital hygrometer to measure and adjust the humidity level. On the other hand, a manual humidifier relies on human intervention to monitor levels and adjust humidity levels accordingly.
Manual hygrometers can be found at very affordable prices. They are easy to use, simple analog devices that need to be calibrated periodically. To calibrate them, you need to use a salt test. However, this method has its limitations. Analog hygrometers provide basic information on the humidity level, but they do not provide precise readings.
Digital hygrometers are seen as the most accurate way of monitoring and controlling the humidity in your humidor. They have no need for calibration and give near-instantaneous readings. Additionally, they have a more extended battery life, display temperature, and relative humidity. The downsides of electronic humidifiers are that they can be more expensive than manual humidifiers and may be susceptible to power outages or other electronic problems.
Hygrometers work in collaboration with humidifiers. A humidifier is an instrument that increases the moisture level of your humidor. There are mainly two types of humidifiers: humidipack-style humidifiers and bead humidifiers.
Humidipack-style humidifiers, also known as gel humidifiers, rely on natural salt-based solutions to maintain a constant humidity level. They are usually small and easy to use and provide a set-and-forget humidity solution. Humidipack-style humidifiers are relatively inexpensive and, in most cases, last for around 1 to 2 months.
Bead humidifiers are the other humidifier type. They utilize synthetic beads and a solution to regulate humidity. Once the humidity begins to drop, the beads release moisture, keeping the humidity constant. They are long-lasting and maintain the level of humidity the user requires. The downside is they are slightly more expensive.
It is essential to remember that even with the best humidifier, there is still a possibility that cigars may dry out, particularly in arid conditions. When this happens, the tobacco will lose its essential oils, resulting in a loss of flavor. So watch the hygrometer often, adding more humidifiers to your humidor if needed.
In conclusion, whether you are an experienced aficionado or a beginner, investing in a hygrometer and humidifier is an essential part of cigar storage. A hygrometer will help you maintain ideal humidity levels, while a humidifier will add moisture to keep your cigars in perfect condition. By selecting the right instrument for your humidor and using it correctly, you can ensure that you are storing your cigars correctly, preserving their flavor for years to come.