Arturo Fuente - Dominican Cigars - Exclusive to C.Gars
Arturo Fuente – Dominican Cigars – Exclusive to C.Gars
Arturo Fuente is a name synonymous with premium cigars. Established in Cuba in 1912, the Arturo Fuente family moved to the Dominican Republic in the early 1980s amidst increasing political instability in Cuba. It was here that the family established the Dominican Republic as a premium cigar wrapper growing location, which led to the creation of some of the most acclaimed cigars ever produced.
One of the most notable cigars created by Arturo Fuente is the Fuente Fuente OpusX. Featuring Dominican tobacco wrapped in Cameroon leaf, a popular wrapper for full-bodied cigars after the embargo, the OpusX has become a favorite among cigar aficionados. The OpusX is known for its rich, bold flavor and is consistently ranked among the top cigars in the world.
Another classic cigar from Arturo Fuente is the 8-5-8. This cigar features a Cameroon wrapper over Dominican filler and has been a fan favorite for decades. The 8-5-8 is known for its smooth, creamy smoke and excellent construction.
Arturo Fuente is not just known for its superb cigars, but also for its commitment to quality. The company is still family-owned and operated, and all of the cigars produced by Arturo Fuente are made by hand. This attention to detail and commitment to craftsmanship has helped the company become one of the most respected names in the cigar industry.
Two of the most heralded family companies in the handmade cigar industry are Arturo Fuente and Padrón. These two companies have joined forces on a special project to honor the former patriarchs of their respective families. The result of this collaboration is the Arturo Fuente Padron 80th Anniversary Cigar. This cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, resulting in a medium to full-bodied smoke with complex flavor notes.
The first Dominican Fuente cigars to catch people’s attention were the Hemingways, created in the mid-1980s. These cigars were named after author Ernest Hemingway and feature a unique shape that resembles a perfecto. This shape was rare in the cigar market at the time, and the Hemingways helped establish Arturo Fuente as an innovator in the industry.
Another notable cigar from Arturo Fuente is the Eye of the Shark. Based on the original Shark blend, this cigar is an exclusive offering from Arturo Fuente that is only available at select retailers. The Eye of the Shark features a toothy Ecuadorian wrapper and a blend of Dominican fillers, resulting in a medium to full-bodied smoke with notes of cedar and spice.
C.Gars Ltd is proud to be the exclusive retailer of Arturo Fuente cigars in the UK. As one of the leading online cigar retailers in Europe, C.Gars Ltd has an extensive selection of Arturo Fuente cigars, including the popular OpusX and Hemingway blends. If you're looking for premium cigars from one of the most respected names in the industry, look no further than Arturo Fuente – exclusive to C.Gars.
In conclusion, Arturo Fuente has become an icon in the cigar industry, thanks to its commitment to quality, innovation, and attention to detail. The company's range of premium cigars, including the OpusX, Hemingway, and Eye of the Shark, are among the most respected and sought-after cigars in the world. With its exclusive partnership with C.Gars Ltd, Arturo Fuente has become a must-have for cigar enthusiasts in the UK and beyond.