Infusion Bundles
The Cigar industry has seen a significant change in the use of the term "bundle" over the years, with various effects on the industry as a whole. In this article, we explore the history and impact of infusion bundles, their benefits, and the best cigars to infuse.
One of the most notable changes in the cigar industry has been the rise of bundle cigars. Traditionally, bundles were viewed as the lowest rung of the quality ladder, with cigars often sold in bulk and without packaging. However, this has shifted over the years, with many companies producing high-quality bundle cigars that rival their boxed counterparts.
Infusion bundles, in particular, have become increasingly popular in recent years. These cigars are infused with various flavors, such as vanilla or cherry, to add a unique twist to the smoking experience. One such cigar is the Puck by Alec Bradley, which is designed to be infused for a personalized smoking experience.
To infuse a cigar like the Puck, one needs a small OXO Good Grip container sized to infuse one cigar at a time. The inside of the container should be washed before placing the cigar in it for infusion. The result is a premium cigar with a personalized flavor profile that can't be found elsewhere.
One of the benefits of smoking bundle cigars is the guilt-free factor. Smoking a bundle cigar allows enthusiasts to indulge without feeling the pressure of saving the cigar for a special occasion. Additionally, bundle cigars are perfect for casual and everyday smoking, as they offer a premium experience without the high costs of boxed cigars.
While bundle cigars are often viewed as lower quality, many of today's top brands offer high-quality options. This includes Cuban cigars, which are famous for their quality and unique flavor profiles. Tobacco enthusiasts also have the option to choose from the best bundle cigars reviews online, helping them make informed purchasing decisions.
However, smoking bundle cigars does come with some tradeoffs, such as the potential for an increase in cellophane use. More cellophane can lead to a significant increase in the environmental footprint of cigar production, which is something to consider for those who prioritize eco-consciousness.
In conclusion, the term "bundle" has undergone a significant transformation in the cigar industry, with many companies producing high-quality bundle cigars that rival boxed cigars. Infusion bundles have become increasingly popular and offer a personalized smoking experience. Smoking bundle cigars allows enthusiasts to indulge without the pressure of saving a cigar for a special occasion, making them perfect for casual and everyday smoking. While bundle cigars have their tradeoffs, they remain a great option for those seeking a premium smoking experience without the high costs.