Orchant Selection Cigars
edition cigar that was released in honor of the 10th anniversary of Mitchell Orchant’s Turmeaus cigar shop in Liverpool. As the managing director of C.Gars Ltd, Mitchell Orchant is one of the most well-respected cigar experts in the world, and his Orchant Selection cigars are highly sought after by enthusiasts everywhere.
Orchant Selection cigars are known for their exceptional quality and flavor, and they are made using only the finest tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Each cigar is carefully crafted by expert rollers to create a smooth and satisfying smoking experience that is perfect for any occasion.
One of the newest additions to the Orchant Selection line is the Plasencia Orchant Selección, which Mitchell Orchant unveiled during The Philip & Ferdy Cigar Show Episode 19. This limited edition cigar features a Honduran seco wrapper from Trojes, with a dual binder of leaves from Honduras and Nicaragua. The result is a medium-bodied smoke with rich notes of leather, spice, and earthy undertones that will delight even the most discerning cigar aficionado.
Another popular Orchant Selection cigar is the Oliva - Orchant Selección by Oliva. This cigar is made using a Nicaraguan habano wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan fillers, creating a full-bodied smoke with flavors of coffee, cocoa, and pepper that will satisfy any cigar lover’s cravings. The Skinny Rating for this cigar is an average price of $7.00, making it an affordable yet high-quality option for anyone looking to indulge in a premium cigar.
Mitchell Orchant’s love of cigars is undeniable, and this is evident in the attention to detail and quality that can be found in every Orchant Selection cigar. Whether you are a seasoned cigar enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, you are sure to find a cigar within the Orchant Selection line that will satisfy your cravings and exceed your expectations.
In conclusion, the Orchant Selection line of cigars is a testament to Mitchell Orchant’s passion and expertise in the world of premium cigars. From the Plasencia Orchant Selección to the Oliva - Orchant Selección by Oliva, each cigar within the line offers a unique smoking experience that is sure to delight even the most experienced of cigar aficionados. So why not indulge yourself in one of Mitchell Orchant’s finest creations and enjoy a smoking experience like no other?