Dunhill Cigars
Dunhill Cigars: A Celebration of Tradition and Prestige
The iconic Dunhill logo has been synonymous with luxury and elegance for over a century. When one thinks of Dunhill, images of fine leather goods, fashionable apparel and of course, premium cigars come to mind. Dunhill cigars are made exclusively in Cuba and are produced for and offered by Alfred Dunhill of London under its own varying brand names.
In the late 1970s, negotiations ensued between Dunhill and Cubatabaco for the introduction of a prestigious range of handmade Havana cigars under the “Dunhill” name. The laborious process of selecting the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, followed by the skillful hands of experienced rollers and the aging process, gave way to a range of high-quality cigars that the Dunhill brand is known for today.
Born in London, Dunhill is legendary, and is the industry standard when it comes to English tobaccos. The remarkable tobacco blends created by Alfred Dunhill are meticulously crafted with only the finest ingredients, and with the utmost precision. Today, the same level of expertise is applied to the production of their Cuban cigars.
The cigar connoisseur is faced with a challenging task when it comes to selecting the perfect cigar to savor. Dunhill cigars offer a wide range of options, each with its own unique flavor and aroma profile. From the earthy, woody notes of the Dunhill Aged Reserva Especial to the full-bodied and peppery flavors of the Dunhill Signed Range, there is a cigar for every palate.
One of the most notable cigars in the Dunhill lineup is the Dunhill Churchill. Made famous by its namesake, the legendary Prime Minister Winston Churchill, this cigar is a true celebration of style, substance and grandeur. The Dunhill Churchill boasts a medium-bodied flavor with rich notes of toasted nuts, caramel and oak, making it a perfect choice for a sophisticated evening of relaxation.
For those searching for a truly special experience, the Connoisseur's Corner offers a glimpse into the world of truly exceptional cigar smoking. Two 100-point Dunhills from this collection are particularly noteworthy. These picture-perfect, silky cigars came from a chest of 100 originally stored in London’s Dunhill keep. They have all the bright, lively flavors that come with well-aged cigars, heightened by the fact that they have been preserved in an unbeatable atmosphere.
As a smoker of Dunhill cigars, one can rest assured that the experience will always be one of prestige and cultural reverence. The rich heritage that the brand invokes makes it a worthy investment, not only for the palate but for an overall sense of sentimentality and appreciation for an iconic brand. And with each puff, one can truly appreciate the time and care that goes into each cigar, a true celebration of tradition and prestige.
In conclusion, Dunhill cigars are a timeless choice for the discerning cigar smoker. From their sophisticated packaging to the rich and luxurious taste profile, Dunhill cigars are a testament to the brand's legacy. The Dunhill brand continues to be a symbol of refined taste and classic elegance, and their cigars are a reflection of this cultural reverence that endures to this day.