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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Cigars have a long and rich history dating back to the early 16th century in the New World when Spanish colonizers began growing tobacco in the Caribbean. The first cigar factory in the New World was established in Cuba in the early 1800s and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. Soon after, cigar production began in other countries including the United States, Britain, and Spain.

Despite cigars being around for centuries, there are still many misconceptions surrounding the industry. Many people believe that premium cigars are expensive and unaffordable, but this is not always the case. In fact, before the Cuban embargo in the 1960s, most high-quality cigars were quite affordable. As longtime cigar industry veteran Sherwin Seltzer stated, “Pre-embargo, most cigars in the United States that were considered premium were a quarter.”

However, as cigar production increased and taxes were introduced on foreign-made cigars, prices began to rise. In 1820, cigar production began in Britain and the parliament started regulating the industry. Tax was adopted on foreign-made cigars, which only increased the price and made cigar smoking an expensive hobby for the wealthy.

Despite the rising costs, the popularity of cigars continued to grow around the world. Seville, Spain, was at the epicenter of tobacco smoking and is recognized as being the birthplace of the modern cigar. The city was known for its production of quality tobacco and its residents were known for their love of smoking.

One cigar that has gained a reputation for its quality and rich history is the “Vieille” cigar. It is a French cigar that has been popular for centuries and is known for its complex flavors and smooth smoke. The word “Vieille” translates to “old” or “vintage” in French, which reflects the age and history of the cigar.

The Vieille cigar is made using a blend of tobaccos from different regions, including Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The aging process is key to the production of these cigars, as they are aged in oak barrels to give them their distinct flavor and aroma. The Vieille cigar is also hand-rolled by skilled artisans, which gives each cigar a unique shape and texture.

In recent years, the popularity of cigars has continued to grow, with more and more people discovering the rich history and complex flavors of different cigars. Even in the face of anti-smoking legislation and health concerns, cigar enthusiasts continue to gather in cigar lounges around the world to enjoy a good smoke and connect with others who share their passion.

In conclusion, cigars have a long and fascinating history dating back centuries. Despite misconceptions and rising costs, the popularity of cigars continues to grow and new blends and varieties are being produced every day. The Vieille cigar is one such example of a quality cigar with a rich history and complex flavors. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, there is always something new to discover and enjoy.

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