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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


The Gentleman's Guide to Cigars

For the aspiring cigar aficionado, selecting the right cigar is the first and perhaps the most crucial step to enjoy the true essence of this gentleman’s culture. With cigars available in varying strengths, prices, and flavors, one must start with a cigar that is both affordable and not overly strong. It is akin to starting with a Honda, which offers a comfortable and safe ride before graduating to more upscale options.

One way to learn more about the types of cigars available is to travel with experts to some of the best cigar locations in the world. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the origins of cigars and get help making your first purchase. It’s essential to understand that the culture of gentleman revolves around sharing your experiences, knowledge, and skill with others.

If you’re not sure where to start, a great way to begin smoking a cigar is by buying one and smoking it right away. This can be done at a local tobacconist, a cigar lounge or in the company of friends or family. Make sure to choose the right size and shape of cigar, which should be a comfortable fit in your mouth and easy to hold.

Before lighting up, you must learn how to cut the cigar correctly. Too deep or too shallow cuts can disrupt the air flow and lead to a bad smoking experience. A good rule of thumb is to cut it slightly above the shoulder. This ensures that the cap is intact and prevents the cigar from unraveling during the smoking process.

The next step is to light the cigar, but not with a regular lighter. Gentleman cultures mandate that a cigar must be lit with wooden cigar matches or a butane lighter. When lighting, hold the cigar at an angle and rotate it slowly, drawing the flame in the inward direction. Always remember that the flame should never touch the tobacco but should be about an inch away.

Smoking a cigar is not a race but a slow and relaxing process. A cigar is best enjoyed with friends and family, with a drink of your choice. Take small puffs and let the smoke linger in your mouth for a few seconds before exhaling. The smoke fills your mouth with an earthy, smoky taste, and the aroma lingers in the air.

The optimal time to enjoy a cigar is after dinner or on a lazy afternoon. The culture of gentleman prioritizes the slowing down of the pace of your life to appreciate the nuances of flavor and aroma over a good conversation or a book.

In summary, choosing, cutting, lighting, and smoking a cigar is a delicate process that combines the skill of the aficionado with the patience of a gentleman. Whether you’re smoking alone or with others, it’s essential to enjoy the experience and create memories that encapsulate the gentleman culture.

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