Bard: A Journey Through Turning Points
Bard is a brand of cigars that has had an interesting journey through time. It has witnessed the making of Cuban legends, the Cuban revolution, and the American boom. Bard has been a part of cigar history for over a century, and has seen several turning points that have shaped its existence. In this article, we will take a closer look at these turning points that have made Bard what it is today.
Turning Point #1: The Creation
Bard was created by Juan Lopez Diaz in 1909. Diaz was a man who had dedicated his life to the art of cigar making. He created Bard with a vision to make cigars that were a true reflection of the Cuban tradition. Diaz had a passion for blending the leaves in a way that would bring out the unique flavors of Cuban tobacco.
Turning Point #2: The ‘Discovery’
In the 1920s, Bard was discovered by American cigar enthusiasts who were looking for a unique smoking experience. Bard’s reputation grew, and it became a popular choice among cigar aficionados. The brand’s unique blend of Cuban tobacco and the artistry of Diaz made it stand out in a crowded market.
Turning Point #3: The Cuban Legend
Bard became a legend in the Cuban cigar industry in the 1930s. The brand’s reputation for quality and uniqueness earned it a recognized place among the prestigious brands in the industry. It was a cigar that was sought after by cigar lovers around the world.
Turning Point #4: Coming to America
The 1950s saw the advent of Bard in America. The brand arrived with a bang, and it quickly gained a foothold in the American market. It was in America that Bard truly found its place among the great cigar brands of the world.
Turning Point #5: The Cuban Revolution
The 1960s brought about a major turning point for Bard. Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba caused a significant disruption in the cigar industry. Many of the great cigar brands of Cuba were either destroyed or left the country. This was a moment of great uncertainty for the cigar industry as a whole, including Bard.
Turning Point #6: The Boom
The 1980s and 1990s saw a boom in the cigar industry. This was partly fueled by the opening up of the American market. Bard benefited greatly from this boom, and its reputation grew even further. It was a time of great prosperity for the brand.
Turning Point #7: An Opening
Today, Bard continues to be a respected name in the cigar industry. The brand’s commitment to quality and tradition has remained unchanged over the years. The opening up of the Cuban market has presented an exciting opportunity for Bard to return to its roots. As the world of cigars continues to evolve, Bard’s place in it remains secure.
In conclusion, Bard’s journey through time has been a fascinating one. It has witnessed great moments of uncertainty, revolution and prosperity. Throughout the years, Bard has remained true to its roots, and has continued to produce cigars that are a testament to the artistry of the Cuban tradition. Bard is a brand that will always occupy a special place in the hearts of cigar aficionados around the world.