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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Nana: A Unique Twist on the Cigar

Nana is not your average cigar. With a unique twist and a touch of cocoa, this cigar is a product of experimentation and innovation. The idea behind Nana came from a study conducted in the Philippines in the search for ways to improve the aroma of tobacco. It's a product of the country's extensive history with this product, initially introduced by the Spanish conquistadors during their colonial occupation.

The study on tobacco aroma involved adding a cocoa medium, which proved to be effective in bringing out the unique scent of the bean. The sensory evaluation of the result proved successful, with the cocoa medium highlighting the aroma of the tobacco, leading to a new and exciting product: Nana.

Unlike regular cigars, Nana comes with an airtight storage tube and a double guillotine-style cutter. It is a tobacco product made to be smoked, produced in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The unique twist in the cigar design's shape makes it distinct and easily recognizable from other cigars if stored separately.

Cigar smoking is a culture steeped in history, with its roots in wealth and luxury. The art of smoking cigars has evolved, and people not only smoke them for pleasure but for their significance and aesthetic appeal. One popular type of cigar is Culebras, also known as 'snakes in the humidor.' Culebras are twisted and serpentine cigars, smoked by cigar aficionados around the world.

Like other tobacco products, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates cigars, and in recent news, the administration announced proposed product standards to prohibit specific features present in cigars, including flavored ones. It is uncertain how such policy changes could impact the sales and distribution of cigars like Nana.

Despite proposed regulatory changes, cigars continue to hold a place in popular and contemporary culture. Part of this might come from the process of smoking, which offers a sensory and meditative experience. But what sets Nana apart is the innovative touch of cocoa and its unique design, making it a prized possession for cigar lovers and collectors.

In conclusion, Nana is a collaboration of history, innovation, and experimentation. It is evidence of how far cigars production has come and the opportunities that the future holds. It is uncertain what place cigars will have in the future, but there is no doubt that products like Nana will continue to push the boundaries of innovation and experimentation. Only time will tell where this takes the industry.

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