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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Bespoke Unit’s Guide to Smoking Cigars: A Complete Overview

Smoking cigars can seem like an intimidating experience for beginners. From selecting the correct cigar to lighting it and smoking it, there are many things to keep in mind to ensure a pleasant experience. In this article, we’ll break down the process and techniques to keep in mind for smoking cigars.

Cultivation: The first step in the cigar-making process is the cultivation of tobacco plants. These plants grow from tiny seeds and are transplanted into fields around 60 days after planting. The tobacco plants are then harvested and sorted into three different types of leaves: wrapper, binder, and filler.

Wrapper: The wrapper leaf is the outermost leaf of the cigar and is responsible for creating its distinct appearance. It is typically the most expensive leaf due to its large size and unique flavor.

Binder: The binder leaf holds the cigar together and adds to its flavor profile. It is typically a thicker leaf and is chosen for its ability to burn slowly.

Filler: The filler leaf is the innermost part of the cigar and is responsible for providing its aroma and flavor. It is made up of a blend of different types of tobacco leaves, carefully selected to achieve a specific taste.

Smoking Techniques: Once you have selected your cigar and are ready to smoke, there are a few important techniques to keep in mind.

Cutting: The first step is to cut the cigar. You can use a cutter or scissors to trim off the end. Ensure that the cut does not go too deep or else the cigar will start to unravel as you smoke it.

Lighting: Next, light the cigar. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and ignite the foot (the end that you cut). Rotate the cigar while lighting it to ensure an even burn. Avoid using lighters with odors or flavors, as they can affect the cigar’s taste.

Smoking: Finally, it is time to start smoking. Take a small puff and suck the air gently. Let the smoke stay in your mouth for a few seconds to fully savor the flavor, then exhale slowly. Avoid inhaling the smoke as this will cause irritation in your throat and lungs.

Other Tips: In addition to the above techniques, here are a few other tips to keep in mind when smoking cigars.

Humidity: Keep your cigars stored at a humidity level of around 70%, as dry cigars will burn too quickly and taste bitter.

Ash: Allow the ash to burn up to around an inch before tapping it off. This will ensure an even burn and prevent ashes from falling onto your clothing.

Band: The cigar band can be removed once the cigar has been lit. Do not remove it beforehand, as it can damage the wrapper leaf.

In conclusion, smoking cigars can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience when done correctly. From the cultivation of tobacco plants to the smoking techniques, there are many aspects to keep in mind to enjoy the best flavor and aroma. By following the tips mentioned above, you can elevate your smoking experience and enjoy a quality cigar.

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