Ebony: The Impact of Cigar Smoking Among Black Young Adults
Cigar smoking has been a long-standing tradition in many cultures. However, it is known to have several health consequences, including increased risks of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. After extensive research of the domestic and international cigar industry, the owners of Emperors Cut Cigars discovered an interesting finding: Black young adults experience disparately high rates of cigar use and its health consequences.
According to a study conducted by researchers in the Washington, D.C. area, non-Hispanic Black/African American adults in the US experienced a significant increase in cigar-smoking prevalence between 2002 and 2016. This is concerning because cigar smoking is just as harmful as cigarette smoking, yet it is often perceived as less risky.
The study involved in-depth interviews with 40 Black young adults between the ages of 21-29 who smoked cigars frequently. The participants reported they smoked cigarillos and blunts in higher frequency and quantity to cope with COVID-19-induced stress. This is a worrying trend as cigar smoking can lead to negative health outcomes, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.
One of the themes that emerged from the interviews was the physical and social environment in which these Black young adults lived. Many participants reported that cigar smoking was a social activity that took place in community settings such as parks, parties, and outings with friends. This indicates that community-level influences may play a role in cigar smoking prevalence among Black young adults.
Additionally, the participants mentioned that cigar smoking was often associated with masculinity, social status, and a way to cope with stress. This is consistent with previous research that has shown that culturally-targeted tobacco advertisements are more common in low-income and minority communities. As a result, this can contribute to the normalisation of cigar smoking within Black communities.
The study also found that many participants had limited access to information about the harmful effects of cigar smoking. This is particularly concerning given that many smokers perceive cigars as "less dangerous" compared to cigarettes. Educational campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the health risks of cigar smoking should be targeted towards Black young adults who smoke cigars.
In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of addressing cigar smoking among Black young adults and its underlying community-level influences. As cigar smoking is linked to several health consequences, it is crucial to educate smokers about its risks and promote cessation efforts. Additionally, a focus on creating smoke-free environments in community settings can also help curb the normalisation of cigar smoking. It is essential to take action to protect the health of Black young adults and prevent the harmful health effects of cigar smoking.