The History of Kaiser Cigars
Cigars have been around since the early 1500s, when Columbus discovered tobacco in Cuba. However, it wasn't until the mid 16th century that pipes became popular in Britain, and within the next 100 years, tobacco became commercially available in the United Kingdom.
The act of smoking a cigar gained international recognition after Columbus arrived in modern-day Cuba and Hispañola. By the mid 16th century, cigars had become a popular item among soldiers during World War II. General George Patton was known for his love of cigars, and he could often be seen smoking them during the war.
Turning Point #1: The Creation
Kaiser is a Cuban cigar brand that was first created in 1992 by cigar maker Raúl Valladares. Valladares was the owner of the H. Upmann factory in Havana and had a reputation for creating some of the finest cigars in the world.
Turning Point #2: The ‘Discovery’
Kaiser cigars were first discovered by American businessmen traveling to Cuba in the early 1990s. They were blown away by the quality of the cigars and immediately wanted to bring them back to the United States.
Turning Point #3: The Cuban Legend
Kaiser quickly gained a reputation as one of the best cigar brands in Cuba. They were known for their rich, complex flavor and were often compared to the finest wines.
Turning Point #4: Coming to America
In 1998, Kaiser cigars were finally able to enter the American market. They quickly became a favorite among cigar aficionados and were sought after for their unique flavor profile.
Turning Point #5: The Cuban Revolution
Unfortunately, the success of Kaiser cigars in the United States was short-lived. In 2000, the US government passed a law that made it illegal to import Cuban cigars into the country. This was due to the ongoing political tensions between the United States and Cuba.
Turning Point #6: The Boom
After the ban on Cuban cigars, Kaiser cigars began to struggle. However, in recent years, there has been a boom in the cigar industry, with many new brands entering the market. Kaiser has been able to capitalize on this trend and has seen a resurgence in popularity.
Turning Point #7: An Opening
In 2016, the United States government announced that it would be easing some of the restrictions on Cuban cigars. This has opened up new opportunities for Kaiser and other Cuban cigar brands to re-enter the American market.
So, what's in a Kaiser cigar? Kaiser cigars are made from high-quality Cuban tobacco and are known for their rich, complex flavor. They are made using traditional methods and are aged for several years before they are sold.
In conclusion, Kaiser is a legendary Cuban cigar brand that has faced many ups and downs throughout its history. Despite the challenges, Kaiser has remained one of the most beloved cigar brands in the world. With the recent easing of restrictions on Cuban cigars, the future looks bright for this iconic brand.