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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Old Army

Old Army

In the high-stress environment of the military, many soldiers have turned to smoking cigars as a way to relax and unwind. Smoking cigars has been a tradition in the military for many years, from commanding generals to soldiers on the front lines. It has been seen as a way to bond with fellow soldiers and a symbol of victory.

One of the most famous cigar-smoking generals was Ulysses S. Grant, who was seen frequently chewing on a cigar before battles. Another well-known cigar aficionado was General George S. Patton Jr., who kept a personal humidor filled with cigars. He believed that smoking cigars helped him to cope with the stress of command.

General Tommy Franks also enjoyed smoking cigars, starting at the young age of 18. He continued the habit throughout his time in the military, even smoking as many as 12 cigars a day when he was over 100 years old. For these military leaders, smoking cigars was a way to cope with the stresses of military life and to bond with fellow soldiers.

The history of cigars in the military dates back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when demand for cigars grew rapidly. At this time, Spain struggled to keep up with production, leading to the growth of the cigar industry in other countries. The United States became an important producer of cigars, and many soldiers began to enjoy smoking them.

During the Civil War, cigars were commonplace in the military. It was routine for couriers to deliver cigars to soldiers on the front lines, and almost an entire army was encamped in the immediate vicinity of Frederick, Maryland, where many warehouses full of cigars were located. Some theories suggest that smoking cigars helped to calm soldiers during battle, while others argue that it was simply a way for soldiers to pass the time.

Overall, smoking cigars has played an important role in military culture for many years. It has been a way for soldiers to bond, relax, and cope with the stresses of military life. Whether enjoyed by commanding generals or soldiers on the front lines, cigars have become an important part of military history and tradition.

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