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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Rubel - an Introduction to the World of Cigars

Cigars have a unique charm and appeal that has captivated many over the centuries. The art of cigar smoking dates back to the Mayans in the 10th Century, and since then, it has been a symbol of sophistication and luxury. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a beginner, there is always something new to learn about cigars. In this article, we will discuss the history of cigars, cigar terminology, and the essentials required for the perfect smoking experience, with a focus on the Rubel cigar.

The History of Cigars

The Mayans were the first to smoke tobacco in various forms, including cigars. However, it wasn't until the 16th Century that cigars began to gain popularity in Europe, mostly through trading with the New World. The first cigar factory was established in Cuba in the early 19th Century, and the country has since become synonymous with the finest cigars in the world. Other countries such as the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras have also made a name for themselves in the cigar industry in recent times.

Introduction to Cigar Terminology

Cigar terminology can be overwhelming for beginners, but it is an essential part of becoming a cigar connoisseur. Some of the common terms used in the world of cigars include filler, binder, wrapper, draw, ash, and more. Understanding the difference between these terms can help you choose the right cigar for your taste and smoking style.

Rubel Cigars

One of the most popular brands of cigars is Rubel. Rubel is a Mexican puro, which means it is made from Mexican tobacco only. The Rubel Te Amo is a popular Rubel cigar that features a Mexican San Andres wrapper over Mexican binder and filler tobaccos. It is available in three sizes, each offering a different smoking experience.

Learning How to Smoke a Cigar

Smoking a cigar requires some skill and technique, but it is not difficult to learn. The first step is to choose the right cigar for your taste and budget. Then, you need to cut the cigar's cap, which is the closed end, using a guillotine cutter, v-cutter or a punch cutter. Once you have cut the cap, you need to light the cigar evenly, preferably using a proper lighter. It's essential to avoid inhaling the smoke, as cigars are not meant to be inhaled. Instead, take a sip of the smoke and let it linger in your mouth for a few seconds before exhaling.

The Essentials for the Perfect Smoking Experience

To fully enjoy a cigar, you need to have the proper essentials. First and foremost, you need a cigar cutter to cut the cap of the cigar. The type of cutter you choose will depend on your preference, but a guillotine cutter is the most popular and easy to use. An ashtray that includes a resting space for cigars is also required for indoor smoking. This helps to prevent ash from falling off and staining furniture or carpets. Finally, a proper lighter is essential for lighting a cigar evenly. A butane lighter is the best option, as it produces a clean flame that does not affect the taste of the cigar.


Cigars offer a unique and timeless smoking experience that cannot be compared to any other. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced smoker, there is always something new to learn about this fascinating world. The Rubel Te Amo is a popular brand of cigar that offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience. To fully enjoy a cigar, you need to have the proper essentials, including a cigar cutter, ashtray, and a proper lighter. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the rich aroma and flavors of a fine Rubel cigar.

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