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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Bilbo - A Brief Overview

Bilbo is a beloved character in J.R.R. Tolkien's famous novel, The Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who is content with his simple life in the Shire, but his world is turned upside down when the wizard Gandalf and a group of dwarves enlist him on a quest.

The character of Bilbo is endearing because he represents the average person who is forced to go on an adventure. Bilbo is not a typical hero, but he rises to the occasion and becomes a hero in his own right. Over the course of the novel, Bilbo develops courage, resourcefulness, and loyalty, and he proves himself to be an invaluable member of the quest.

One of the most notable aspects of Bilbo's character is his love for comfort. He is often described as enjoying the simple pleasures of life, such as sitting by the fire and eating good food. This makes his decision to leave the comfort of his home all the more impressive, as he risks his life to help the dwarves reclaim their stolen treasure.

Another characteristic that sets Bilbo apart from other heroes is his wit. He often uses his intelligence and quick thinking to help the group overcome obstacles. Whether it's tricking the trolls into staying out past sunrise or figuring out the riddle of the door to Smaug's lair, Bilbo is essential to the success of the quest.

Despite his small stature, Bilbo proves to be a formidable opponent. He is able to sneak past dragons and goblins, and he holds his own in battles. His bravery inspires the other characters and serves as a reminder that anyone can be a hero.

In conclusion, Bilbo is a memorable character because he represents the unexpected hero. Despite his love of comfort and lack of experience, Bilbo rises to the occasion and proves himself to be an invaluable member of the quest. His wit, courage, and loyalty make him a beloved character in literature, and his story continues to inspire readers of all ages.

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