Vancouver is a stunning coastal seaport city in western Canada that offers a plethora of exciting experiences and activities to locals and visitors alike. This vibrant city is home to a variety of attractions, ranging from natural wonders to great shopping, dining, and entertainment. One such attraction that cigar aficionados can never miss out on is the cigar shop located in the heart of Vancouver: City Cigar.
City Cigar, located at 1885 Clark Drive (Inside Autoform Car Dealer), is hailed as the number one Vancouver tobacconist and Canada's largest cigar store. Established in 1999, City Cigar has been the premier cigar store in Vancouver, offering the best in Cuban and Non-Cuban cigars for over two decades. Walk into this large and modern cigar store and be mesmerized by the impressive selection of cigars from leading brands worldwide. The store stocks rare cigars and has several quality rare cigar shops, making it a rare gem in the Vancouver cigar scene.
Cigar smoking is a popular pastime in Vancouver, with a surprising sizeable community of cigar smokers and aficionados. In addition to City Cigar, there are several other quality rare cigar shops worth checking out. The rare cigar shops in Vancouver offer an unparalleled selection of premium cigars that cater to diverse tastes and preferences.
One such cigar shop is 2000 Cigars, which has been offering the finest in Cuban and non-Cuban cigars to the Metropolitan Vancouver cigar aficionado since 1999. Since June 2020, the shop has relocated to a new address, but still provides the same excellent service to cigar enthusiasts in Vancouver. The shop prides itself in offering a considerable selection of high-quality cigars at affordable prices.
If you're in search of the best cigar shops in Vancouver, you can also check out Yelp's top 10 best cigar shops in the city. City Cigar Emporium, Cigar Connoisseurs, and Revolucion are among the shops that make the cut.
Apart from the sophisticated cigar shops, Vancouver has much more to offer. The city boasts numerous impressive natural attractions, including Stanley Park, the Capilano Suspension Bridge, and Granville Island. Stanley Park is one of the largest urban parks in North America, offering a green oasis with breathtaking views and diverse wildlife. The Capilano Suspension Bridge, located just a few kilometers from the city, is a must-visit attraction. This immense suspension bridge over the Capilano River offers an unmatched thrill, with views of towering evergreens, the park's canyons, and the river below.
For shopping enthusiasts, Vancouver has a plethora of options for you to indulge in retail therapy. You can find trendy shops on Robson Street, chic boutiques in Gastown, and upscale fashion at Pacific Centre Mall. The city's food scene is also worth exploring, with a diverse range of cuisines available from street food to high-end restaurants.
In conclusion, Vancouver is a city that has something for everyone. The sophisticated cigar shops, stunning natural attractions, excellent shopping, and dining options make it a must-visit destination. Whether you're a visitor or a local, be sure to check out Vancouver's cigar shops, including City Cigar, for a memorable experience.