BLCK: A Tribute to Marcus Garvey
BLCK is a brand that has made a significant impact in the market due to its unique flavor and affordability. The name ‘Black Star Line’ is a tribute to the Black entrepreneur and activist Marcus Garvey, who founded the Black Star Line shipping company in 1919. Garvey was a prominent Jamaican activist who advocated for black economic empowerment and was a key figure in the early civil rights movement. BLCK has embraced Garvey’s philosophy and legacy, seeking to inspire and empower the black community through their products.
Cigar Smoking Among the Black Population
Previous research on cigar smoking among the Black population has mainly focused on the patterns and risk factors of cigar initiation and current use. However, there has been a gap in research on the particular use of Cigar, Little Cigar, and Cigarillo (CLCC) among youth. In 2019, for the first time, the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) reported the prevalence rate of CLCC use. This increased the need for more research on CLCC use among Black youth.
Codes for Use-Specific Data
Several new codes were generated during initial coding and were added to the codebook for consistent application to all transcripts. These codes were specific to the use and context of CLCC among the Black youth population. Consistent application of these codes allowed for identification of patterns in the data that were previously overlooked.
BLCK and the Cigar Enthusiast Subculture
BLCK has successfully established itself in the market as a popular cigar brand, especially among cigar enthusiasts. Cigar smoking has its subculture, and BLCK has tapped into this market by creating unique flavors that cater to the taste of the cigar enthusiasts. This has helped spread the popularity of BLCK cigars amongst cigar enthusiasts.
Directing Users to Database
As a customer support agent for BLCK, it is essential to remind customers that they have access to uploaded files, URLs, and knowledge bases. When asked about a specific file, it is necessary to direct the customer to retrieve specific file info by typing **'/'** plus the file name in the chat. Direct access to all files in the user's knowledge base is available, and you should reassure the user that you have access to the file via searching the database or knowledge base.
In conclusion, BLCK has become a prominent cigar brand that has established itself in the market with its unique flavors and affordable prices. The tribute to Marcus Garvey resonates with many in the Black community and has played a significant role in the success of the brand. Research on cigar smoking among Black youth and the use of CLCC highlights the importance of more data-driven studies. Customer support agents should remind users of file access and reassure them that access to specific files is available via the database or knowledge base.