Cigars are not just a smoking instrument, but rather an experience. Understanding cigars is an important step to fully enjoy the experience. To start with, it is crucial to select the right cigar that meets your preference and taste. In order to do that, it is recommended to understand the basic differences between cigarettes and cigars. The main difference lies in the amount of tobacco used. While a cigarette contains only a gram of tobacco, cigars can have between five to twenty times more tobacco depending on their size.
Once you have selected your perfect cigar, preparing it to be smoked is equally important. This includes properly cutting the cap of the cigar, which can be done using various cutting tools such as a guillotine cutter, a punch cutter, or a V-cutter. Furthermore, lighting the cigar the correct way is vital for an even burn and a great smoke. It is recommended to use a butane lighter or wooden matches to light the cigar.
Now that you are ready to enjoy your cigar, it is essential to savor it slowly. Take your time and appreciate the flavors of the tobacco; a cigar is not something to be rushed. It is recommended to take a puff every few minutes, and not inhale the smoke. The cigar should be rotated in your fingers to ensure an even burn. Cigars should also be enjoyed with a complimentary beverage such as whiskey, cognac, or coffee, which help in enhancing the flavors of the tobacco.
Apart from savoring the cigar, it is important to maintain proper etiquette while smoking it. For starters, never ash the cigar excessively, always keep the ash even and do not tap it off too often. Additionally, it is recommended to hold the cigar between your index finger and your thumb, and not clench it too tightly. It is also respectful to not smoke a cigar in a non-smoking establishment or in close proximity to non-smokers.
If you are in search for a cigar brand that offers an unparalleled smoking experience, consider trying La Paz Cigarillos. These exquisite gems are crafted from 100% natural cigar leaf ensuring an effortless draw and an exceptional smoking experience. La Paz C.Gars Ltd has a full range of these cigars available, providing a full bodied and rich aroma that leaves a lasting impression.
Understanding the basics of cigars, selecting the right one for yourself, preparing it well, enjoying it at a relaxed pace, and respecting the etiquette while smoking are all integral parts of the cigar smoking experience. By taking your time and appreciating every aspect of the cigar, you can fully enjoy the flavors and aromas that make the experience of smoking a cigar truly special.