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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Highland Park

Highland Park

Highland Park is a well-known Scotch whisky producer that has been producing whisky for over 200 years. The distillery is located on Orkney Island in Scotland, and it is the northernmost whisky distillery in the world. Highland Park is famous for its unique approach to whisky production, using traditional techniques and locally-sourced peat to create a product that is unlike any other.

One of the most notable things about Highland Park is the range of whiskies that they produce. There are four main whiskies that are produced, with the youngest being the Highland Park 12 year. The whiskies then move up in age, with a 15 year, 18 year, and finally a $700 25 year. Each of these whiskies is unique in its own right, with specific characteristics that make them stand out from one another. For example, the Highland Park 12 year has a sweet and smoky flavor, while the 18 year is more full-bodied and complex.

Another interesting aspect of Highland Park is the use of locally-sourced peat in the whisky production process. The peat used in Highland Park's whisky comes from Hobbister Moor, which is located next to the distillery. The peat is dried and burned to create the smoky flavor that is characteristic of Highland Park whisky. This approach to whisky production is unique, as most other distilleries import peat from other locations.

In addition to their whisky production, Highland Park has also been involved in the cigar industry in recent years. The inaccessibility of overseas cigar leaf resulted in four major cigar growing regions in China seizing the opportunity to stabilize production and ensure a steady supply of tobacco leaf. Highland Park worked with these regions to create a rare and flavorful cigar that complements their whisky perfectly.

Recently, Highland Park released a new whisky called Highland Park Fire, which is a 15 year old malt entirely matured in refill Port casks. This whisky is the second part of a two-part series, with the first being Highland Park Ice. Fire is a unique whisky that has a sweet and smoky flavor, with notes of cedarwood and honey. It is a well-balanced whisky that is perfect for sipping on a cold winter night.

Overall, Highland Park is a unique and interesting distillery that is worthy of attention from both whisky aficionados and casual drinkers alike. Their commitment to traditional techniques and locally-sourced ingredients makes their whisky stand out from the crowd, and their involvement in the cigar industry adds another layer of complexity and flavor to their portfolio. If you are looking for a high-quality and unique whisky experience, Highland Park is definitely worth checking out.

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