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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Samplers: The Best Way to Try New Cigars

For cigar enthusiasts, trying new flavors and blends is a constant pursuit. One way to do this is by purchasing samplers, which typically include a selection of cigars from different brands or regions. Samplers have become increasingly popular, and for good reason: they offer a convenient and affordable way to experiment with different cigars and discover new favorites.

One organization that has recognized the value of samplers is the Cigar Rights of America (CRA), a consumer advocacy group that works to lower cigar taxes and protect cigar smokers' rights. The CRA has started producing limited-run samplers that feature cigars from various manufacturers. These samplers are highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts and often sell out quickly.

Another great option for those looking to try new cigars is the Thompson's Cigar Starter Kit. This all-inclusive kit includes a variety of cigars, a cutter, and a lighter, making it an excellent choice for beginners or anyone getting back into smoking cigars after a break.

What makes samplers so appealing is the variety they offer. Often, samplers will include cigars from different regions, such as Central America, the Caribbean, and Europe. This allows smokers to experience the unique flavors and aromas of different tobacco blends and see which ones they prefer. Samplers can also include cigars with different wrapper types, such as Maduro or Connecticut, which can greatly affect a cigar's taste and strength.

In addition to offering variety, samplers can also be an affordable way to try new cigars. Purchasing a full box of a particular brand or blend can be expensive, particularly if the smoker is unsure if they will enjoy the cigar. Samplers, on the other hand, typically include two or three cigars each, which can be smoked to determine if the smoker enjoys the flavor and strength.

While samplers can be a great way to try new cigars, it's important to keep in mind that they may not offer a full representation of a particular brand or blend. Often, samplers will include specific cigars chosen by the manufacturer or retailer, rather than a range of offerings from the entire line. For this reason, it's important for smokers to also try individual cigars from a brand or blend they are interested in to ensure they get a full sense of its flavor and quality.

In conclusion, samplers offer cigar smokers the opportunity to try new brands, blends, and flavors in an affordable and convenient way. From limited-run offerings by consumer advocacy groups to all-inclusive starter kits, samplers are the ideal choice for anyone looking to expand their cigar smoking horizons.

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