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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Champs Elysees

Champs Elysees

Champs Elysees: The Ultimate Guide

Champs-Élysées is one of the most popular streets in Paris, known for its luxurious shops, cafes, restaurants, and theaters. However, did you know that this iconic avenue is also home to some of the best cigar bars in Paris?

The Black Cigar Bar at La Maison Champs Élysées, designed by the artisans of Maison Margiela, is a luxurious space for cigar enthusiasts. The EGM blog explores this opulent bar and discusses how it's become the ultimate destination for cigar lovers. The decor and ambiance of the bar are inspired by the iconic fashion house, and the selection of cigars is extensive.

If you're looking for a cigar bar in Paris, you can't go wrong with the Black Cigar Bar at La Maison Champs Élysées. And it's not the only one! Tripadvisor features a long list of other top-rated cigar bars in the area, all of which are worth a visit. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the luxurious atmosphere of these bars.

But Champs-Élysées isn't just about cigar bars. It's also home to multiple beach and pool clubs, bars, jazz bars, and comedy clubs. There's something for everyone!

One spot that's worth a visit is the Tabac du Publicis, situated at the top of Champs-Élysées. This tobacco shop has a long and rich history and was the only shop open at night until recently. It's a great spot to grab a quick smoke, source for accessories or simply appreciate the unique charm and history of this spot.

Champs-Élysées is undoubtedly one of the must-visit places in Paris. This iconic avenue continues to fascinate people with its beautiful shops, delightful cafes, and luxurious cigar bars. Next time you're in Paris, don't forget to add Champs-Élysées to your itinerary, and indulge in its charming ambiance and beautiful offerings.

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