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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Chacom L'Essard is a brand well known for its high-quality tobacco products. One of its most popular products is the Chacom L'Essard 43 New unsmoked cigar. It is a cigar with a slightly discolored band due to storage, which is evident from the fourth circled image. Despite this, it is still a highly sought-after product in the market. But what makes a cigar a cigar? And how can you appreciate it fully without committing the don'ts of cigar appreciation?

Firstly, cigars are made from tobacco. But unlike cigarettes, they are wrapped in tobacco leaves, and the tobacco is fermented to bring out the flavor. The construction of a cigar is also different as it is a blend of various tobacco leaves with different characteristics. This unique blend of tobacco, fermentation, and wrapping makes a cigar a cigar.

There are some dos and don’ts of cigar appreciation that you should know. One of the things to remember is that you should never inhale the smoke. Cigars are not meant to be inhaled like cigarettes. Instead, take deliberate and slow puffs to savor the flavors. Additionally, never tap your ash like a cigarette. Let the ash build up as it helps regulate the temperature of the cigar.

To appreciate a cigar fully, one must also get the ritual right. The ritual involves preparing the cigar for smoking by cutting the cap (the closed end of the cigar) and toasting the foot (the open end of the cigar). The cigar should never be lit directly with a lighter; instead, use a matchstick or a torch lighter with a soft flame. Finally, when smoking the cigar, take your time and enjoy it slowly. Besides, you can even pair it with your favorite drink to enhance the entire experience.

The history of cigars dates back to the Spanish Conquistadors, who stumbled upon them during their conquests in the New World. They fell in love with the cigar's taste and slowly started cultivating tobacco. This led to the birth of the cigar industry in the United States. The cigar industry thrived until the early 1900s, when cigarettes replaced cigars as the preferred tobacco product.

In conclusion, cigars are a unique and flavorful tobacco product that carries with them a rich history of discovery and appreciation. The Chacom L'Essard 43 New unsmoked cigar is an excellent example of the perfect blend of tobacco and fermentation that makes a cigar a cigar. To appreciate cigars fully, keep in mind the dos and don'ts of cigar appreciation. And always remember to take your time and enjoy the process - the ritual, the flavors, and the entire experience.

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