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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
D R Harris

D R Harris

Founded in 1790 by two men, Henry Harris, a surgeon, and Daniel Rotely (D.R.), a pioneering pharmaceutical chemist, the apothecary D. R. Harris has remained a frontrunner in the field of men's grooming products for over 200 years. To this day, the brand remains at the top of the heap, offering a diverse selection of high-quality soaps, colognes, bath and shaving preparations, and skincare products.

They were awarded a warrant as chemists to Her Majesty the Queen in 1938, as well as being appointed chemists to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. D. R. Harris has been lauded numerous times for its high-quality products both in the United Kingdom and beyond, with adoring fans from all over the world lending their support.

Recently, D. R. Harris began working with Bob to reintroduce their famous ‘morning reviver,' The Original Pick-Me-Up bitters, in a reimagined form as a cocktail bitters. Under Bob's watchful eye, the previous version has been reborn in a new, improved form.

Bob is an expert in the field of cocktail bitters, and his experience has helped D. R. Harris perfect the new recipe for their bitters. The Original Pick-Me-Up bitters have been refined to provide a more nuanced, balanced flavor, ensuring that they remain a popular choice for cocktail lovers who desire a unique, complex flavor profile.

D. R. Harris has become well-known for its commitment to quality, with every product it releases undergoing rigorous testing and refinement. Their soaps, in particular, have become a favorite among men all over the world, with their signature scent and superior efficacy making them a must-have item. Moreover, the brand's offerings extend beyond soap and include a wide range of products catering to the discerning gentleman's grooming needs.

That being said, D. R. Harris remains committed to ensuring that their products are not only effective but also user-friendly and accessible to all. This commitment to inclusivity can be seen in the brand's offerings, which include everything from affordable skincare products to high-end offerings, ensuring that there is something for everyone.

In conclusion, D. R. Harris has truly stood the test of time, remaining a popular choice for men's grooming products for over two centuries. Through their commitment to quality and innovative products like The Original Pick-Me-Up bitters, D. R. Harris continues to set the standard for men's grooming brands worldwide.

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