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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Piccolo: A Unique Pen with a Tamenuri Finish

In 2006, the Urushi fountain pens caught my attention, and I was particularly drawn to the Tamenuri finish. It was then that I came across the Nakaya Cigar. This pen was a perfect example of the Tamenuri technique, which involves applying layer upon layer of different-colored Urushi lacquer to create a beautiful and unique finish. The Nakaya Cigar was a handcrafted pen made in Japan and featured a smooth and glossy black Tamenuri finish. However, it was the size of the pen that proved to be a drawback for me.

One day, as I was browsing through some online pen stores, I stumbled across the Toscano Piccolo Rustico. It was a simple machine-made pen, measuring 115mm (4.5 inches) in length, and had a single price of €1,00. The pen had a unique Tamenuri finish, and on closer inspection, I found that the finish was created using multiple layers of Urushi lacquer - the same technique used in the Nakaya Cigar.

The Toscano Piccolo Rustico had a rustic appearance, and on the nose, it revealed well-defined aromas of natural rubber. The pen had an unusual design, which was a departure from the typical cigar-shaped fountain pens. This pen had a cylindrical body with a slightly wider base, tapering towards the top. The clip was a simple and functional design, and the pen featured an aluminum alloy nib. This nib was not flexible or excessively smooth, but it performed well and provided a consistent flow of ink.

While the Toscano Piccolo Rustico was not a high-end pen, it was a unique and affordable option for anyone looking for a Tamenuri-finished fountain pen. The pen had a good weight and balance, and the design allowed for a comfortable grip. The Toscano Piccolo Rustico was a great pen for everyday use, and its rustic appearance made it a perfect companion for outdoor activities.

The Toscano Piccolo Rustico was not the only cigar-shaped item that caught my attention; I also found myself looking at cigar cutters. The cigar cutter is the most common type of cigar accessory and is used to create openings in the ‘head’ of the cigar to allow air and smoke to pass through.

A cigar cutter is an essential tool for any cigar smoker, and selecting the right cutter is very important. There are various types of cigar cutters available in the market, including guillotine cutters, punch cutters, and V-cutters. The guillotine cutter is the most popular type and is a simple tool that consists of a straight blade and two finger holes. The punch cutter is a circular cutter that creates a hole in the cigar head. The V-cutter creates a wedge-shaped cut in the cigar head, which allows for a deeper and smoother draw.

In conclusion, the Toscano Piccolo Rustico was a unique and affordable pen that featured a beautiful Tamenuri finish. The finish was created using the same technique as the higher-end Nakaya Cigar, and the rustic appearance of the pen made it a perfect companion for outdoor activities. Additionally, selecting the right cigar cutter is paramount for cigar smokers to ensure an enjoyable smoking experience.

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