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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Etienne - The Art of Cigar Smoking

Cigar smoking is an age-old tradition that has been around for centuries. Historians generally believe that the cigar was invented by the ancient Mayans, who would wrap the tobacco in a palm or a plantain leaf and smoke it. The culture surrounding cigars has evolved, and today, it is a symbol of luxury and sophistication.

For those new to the cigar world, it is important to understand the differences between them. Cigars come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and strengths. The size of a cigar refers to its length and diameter. Cigars come in different lengths and sizes, such as corona, robusto, Churchill, and torpedo. The strength of a cigar is determined by the tobacco used in the filler, binder, and wrapper. The three types of strengths are mild, medium, and full-bodied.

One of the most prominent cigar brands in the world is Etienne. Etienne is known for its rich history and superior quality cigars. The brand was established in 1912 and was based in Cuba. The founders of Etienne had a passion for quality tobacco, and their mission was to create cigars that would be appreciated by generations to come.

Antismoking regulations in the United States were still in their infancy during the cigar boom, and restaurateurs eagerly welcomed the cigar lovers. Cigar bars opened, cigar dinners were organized, and smoking rooms were created. Etienne was one of the most sought-after cigars, and it was popular among the elite of society.

Etienne cigars are made with high-quality tobacco grown in Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. The tobacco is aged for several years to ensure a smooth and rich taste. The cigars are hand-rolled by master artisans who have been trained in the art of cigar rolling for generations. Each cigar is crafted to perfection, and every aspect of the cigar is considered, from the size and shape to the strength and flavor.

The flavor of an Etienne cigar is complex and bold. The cigars have a distinct woodsy taste with notes of leather and spice. The aroma is rich and earthy, and the smoke is thick and creamy. Etienne cigars are known for their consistency, and each cigar delivers a flawless smoking experience.

Catherine de Medici in France is said to have been a fan of cigars, as was Elizabeth I of England, who was introduced to cigars by Sir Walter Raleigh. Cigar smoking has been a part of the culture of some of the most influential people throughout history.

In conclusion, Etienne is a brand that has stood the test of time. Its commitment to quality and tradition has made it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. The art of cigar smoking is not just about the act of smoking but also about the experience. Etienne cigars provide an unforgettable experience with their complex flavor profile and perfect construction. Whether you are new to cigar smoking or a seasoned enthusiast, an Etienne cigar is a must-try.

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