Plasencia Orchant Seleccion
Introducing The Orchant Seleccion by Drew Estate cigars - a brand exclusive to CGars Ltd & Turmeaus Tobacconists. This selection of premium cigars has been carefully crafted, using the finest ingredients and expertise to produce a range of exceptional cigars that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning of smokers.
Named after cigar specialist Mitchell Orchant and cigar maker Dominique Poli, these cigars are born from the fertile volcanic soil of Nicaragua, which produces some of the world’s most highly-regarded tobaccos. The volcanic Ometepe tobaccos used in these cigars contribute to their unique and distinctive flavour profile, ensuring that each one has a character of its own.
One of the most recent additions to The Orchant Seleccion range is the Plasencia Orchant Seleccion 2021 cigar. This new blend has been carefully selected by the Plasencia family, renowned tobacco growers and master blenders, who have been producing high-quality cigars for over 150 years.
The Plasencia Orchant Seleccion 2021 cigar has already received rave reviews. In a blog post on NewbieTo Cigars, it was described as “a fantastic smoke from start to finish, boasting a rich, complex flavour profile that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning of smokers.” With its balanced blend of flavours, this cigar is perfect for those who are new to smoking cigars, as well as those who are more experienced.
Another highly-rated cigar in The Orchant Seleccion range is the Plasencia Orchant Seleccion Toro. Cigar Journal rated this cigar an impressive 92/100 for 2022, which is a testament to its quality and craftsmanship. This medium-bodied cigar is characterised by its notes of cedar, leather, and spice, which develop smoothly and gradually throughout the smoking experience.
It is not just cigar experts who are singing the praises of The Plasencia Orchant Seleccion range. In a recent review on YouTube, Anthony demonstrated the eagerly-anticipated Plasencia Orchant Seleccion Telica Toro. This cigar features a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 50, making it the perfect size for those who enjoy longer smokes. Anthony described this cigar as “a great cigar that is smooth, well-constructed, and provides consistent smoke.”
If you are looking for a premium cigar that is sure to impress, then The Orchant Seleccion by Drew Estate is definitely worth checking out. These cigars are crafted by some of the most highly-regarded experts in the industry, using only the finest ingredients and tobacco. With a range of different blends and sizes to choose from, there is sure to be something in this collection to suit your preferences.
In summary, The Orchant Seleccion by Drew Estate offers a range of premium cigars that have been expertly crafted using the finest ingredients and tobacco. With distinctive flavours and a reputation for quality, these cigars are perfect for both new and experienced smokers. So why not treat yourself to a box today and experience the pleasure of a truly exceptional cigar?