Edgar: A Guide to Enjoying Cigars
Smoking cigars has been a popular pastime for many people around the world. However, the world of cigars can be confusing for new enthusiasts. There are a lot of terms to learn, different cigar shapes and sizes, and the proper way to cut and light a cigar. Fortunately, Cigar Advisor has put together a comprehensive guide to help navigate the world of cigars.
The Basics: Cutting and Lighting
Before diving into the intricacies of cigar production, it's important to know how to properly cut and light a cigar. A good cigar cutter will give you a clean cut that allows for an easy draw, creating a smooth smoking experience. When lighting a cigar, it's important to toast the foot of the cigar evenly before taking a puff. This ensures an even burn and a smoother flavor.
Cigar Construction
A premium handmade cigar is much more than a few leaves of tobacco rolled up in a cylindrical shape. Different tobaccos are combined in precise ratios to make a unique blend of flavors. Generally, cigars can be divided into three distinct parts: the filler, the binder, and the wrapper. The filler is made up of long leaves of tobacco that form the bulk of the cigar. The binder is a leaf that holds the filler in place, while the wrapper is the outermost leaf that provides the flavor and aroma of the cigar.
Types of Cigars
Cigars come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most popular shapes include the Robusto, Toro, and Churchill. The size and shape of a cigar will affect its flavor and smoking time. Cigars can also be classified based on their strength and flavor profile. Mild cigars are a good starting point for new smokers, while stronger cigars are better for experienced smokers.
Cigars vs. Cigarillos
Many people are confused about the difference between a cigar and a cigarillo. Cigarillos are smaller than cigars and are usually made with a blend of tobaccos, while cigars are made with long leaves of tobacco. Cigars are generally larger and offer a more complex flavor profile, while cigarillos offer a quick smoke that is perfect for on-the-go.
In conclusion, smoking cigars can be an enjoyable pastime for many people. To fully appreciate the complexities of a good cigar, it's important to know how to cut and light it properly. Understanding the different parts of a cigar and the various shapes and sizes can also enhance the smoking experience. Whether you prefer a mild cigarillo or a full-bodied Churchill, there is a cigar out there for everyone to enjoy.