Cigars have been enjoyed by enthusiasts for centuries and have become an integral part of many cultures. However, to fully appreciate the art of smoking premium cigars, it is essential to understand the terminology and history of the industry.
The cigar industry is rich with its own language, and for beginners, it can be challenging to understand the meaning of certain terms. It is important to note that the terminology is essential when selecting and smoking cigars. For instance, terms such as wrapper, binder, and filler are vital to understand the different components that make up a cigar. Additionally, cigar shapes such as Churchill, Corona, and Robusto are essential to know.
Smoking cigars is an enjoyable and relaxing experience, but it can be an intimidating process for new cigar lovers. The first step towards fully experiencing and enjoying a cigar is understanding how to cut and light it. A well-cut cigar is crucial to ensure a smooth and even draw, while lighting it correctly ensures that the flavour is not compromised. Beginners should also know that a cigar should never be inhaled, but instead, the smoke should be drawn in the mouth before exhaling.
The history of cigars dates back centuries ago and can be traced back to native tribes in Central America. The precursors of modern cigars were smoked by these tribes long before Europeans arrived. However, it was not until Christopher Columbus's arrival in the new world that cigars were introduced to the western world. The early production of cigars began in the Caribbean, specifically in Cuba, which has become synonymous with premium cigars.
One of the most popular and known cigar wraps is the lime-flavored cigar. Tobacco companies have used different flavors to market their products, and lime is one of the top choices. The lime flavor adds a zesty taste that is perfect for those who prefer a sweeter flavor. Lime cigars are often enjoyed by both beginners and experienced cigar enthusiasts. However, it is essential to note that like other flavored cigars, they are not considered premium due to the infusion process.
In conclusion, the terminology, history, and flavors of cigars are essential aspects for beginners to understand. Knowing the terms associated with cigars is vital when selecting and smoking cigars. Beginners should also learn the correct way to cut and light a cigar to enjoy the full experience. The history of cigars will provide valuable insight into the origins of this beloved pastime. Finally, lime flavored cigars are a popular and refreshing choice for those who want to experiment with flavored cigars, but they are not considered premium.