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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Gap: An Insight into the World of Cigars

Cigars have been a popular form of smoking since ancient times. Over the years, cigars have become a symbol of status, power, and luxury. However, the cigar industry is not free from controversies. This article sheds light on the various aspects of the cigar industry, including its market trends, regulations, and health concerns.

Market Trends

The cigar industry is a billion-dollar market that has been growing steadily over the years. According to a report by Euromonitor, the annual cigar consumption in the United States doubled from 6.2 billion cigars in 2000 to 12.0 billion cigars in 2016. This growth can be attributed to the increasing popularity of cigars among women and younger adults.

Despite the growing demand for cigars, the industry is facing several challenges. For instance, the increase in government regulations, such as minimum cigar pack quantities, has affected the sales of cigars. Additionally, the rise of e-cigarettes has led to a decline in the consumption of traditional tobacco products like cigars.


The cigar industry is heavily regulated in many countries, including the United States. Over 120 jurisdictions in the US have implemented policies mandating minimum cigar pack quantities. However, little empirical research exists on the effectiveness of these policies in reducing cigar smoking.

One of the major concerns regarding cigars is their appeal to youth. The cigar industry has been accused of targeting underage consumers through flavored cigars and attractive packaging. Consequently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implemented regulations that require cigar manufacturers to submit their products for approval before being sold in the market.

Health Concerns

Cigar smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke, including carbon monoxide, tar, and heavy metals. However, cigar smokers tend to inhale less smoke and smoke less frequently than cigarette smokers, which reduces their overall exposure to these harmful chemicals.

Nevertheless, cigar smoking is not without risks. Cigar smokers are at an increased risk of developing oral, lung, and pancreatic cancer, as well as heart disease. Additionally, secondhand smoke from cigars can cause respiratory problems in non-smokers.


In conclusion, the cigar industry is a complex and controversial market that is facing several challenges. While the demand for cigars is growing, government regulations and health concerns pose a threat to its growth. It is essential for policymakers and industry stakeholders to work together to address these issues and ensure that cigars are sold and consumed in a responsible and sustainable manner.

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