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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
21 Year Old

21 Year Old

Cigars have been a part of our world for centuries, enjoyed by connoisseurs and aficionados alike. One of the questions often asked by cigar enthusiasts is, “why age cigars?” The answer is simple, it’s all about improving the flavor and aroma of the cigar. Cigars are made up of organic, breathing, continuously changing material – tobacco leafs. What many don’t realize is that cigars are continuously fermenting. Even after the manufacturer has finished the fermentation process, cigars continue to evolve – further melding the various tobacco blends together. The result is a more complex flavor that develops over time, leading many cigar enthusiasts to consider aging their cigars.

Advanced techniques for cigar aging have been developed over time. One of the techniques known as “dry-boxing” which involves removing the cigars from their humidors for a period of time, before returning them. It helps to reduce the humidity within the cigar. This technique allows for the cigar to develop flavors more quickly. Another technique is called “cedar aging”. It involves leaving the cigars in cedar-lined containers for a period of time, allowing the cigars to absorb the aroma. This technique adds a unique cedar flavor to the cigar making it more enjoyable to smoke.

Staying organized while aging cigars is also essential. Keeping track of the cigars, when they were purchased, and the date they were placed in the humidor is crucial. This can be done with the help of a notebook or a spreadsheet. Keeping the labels from the cigar purchase and placing them in the notebook allows for easy identification and helps to keep the cigars organized.

As cigars age, they become more delicate and require proper care. This includes monitoring the humidity and temperature of the humidor. Excessive humidity can cause the cigars to become too wet, leading to mold growth and ruining the cigar. Likewise, low humidity can cause the cigar to dry out, leading to cracks, and a harsh flavor.

Cigars are a popular pastime for many, especially among the youth and young adult demographic. According to a study, 5.8% of young adults initiated ever cigarillo use, 4.1% initiated past 30-day cigarillo use, and 1.4% initiated fairly regular cigarillo use by the time they reached 21 years old. However, it’s important to note that the legal age to purchase tobacco products, including cigars, is 21 years old in many countries.

In conclusion, aging cigars is about improving the flavor and aroma of the cigar. Through advanced techniques such as dry-boxing and cedar aging, the process of aging can be accelerated while keeping the cigars organized and monitored for proper care. While cigars are enjoyed by many, it is important for the youth and young adults to be aware of the legal age to purchase and consume tobacco products.

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