In November, cigar enthusiasts can expect a new featured cigar - The Diver. This offering, wrapped in Connecticut Broadleaf, is a first for the LCA and has been allowed to age undisturbed. The 6x54 sized cigar is a perfect blend of tobaccos that promises to satisfy any cigar aficionado's taste buds.
Apart from the new featured cigar, November also features notable cigar birthdays. In case we miss any name in our calendar, we encourage you to let us know. We want to celebrate the people who have made great contributions to the cigar industry and deserve recognition for their hard work and dedication.
The cigar industry doesn't only celebrate cigar birthdays, but also special events in collaboration with different brands. Cigar Dojo and Camacho Cigars joined forces for the annual Block Party and Off the Grid event, where attendees enjoyed various activities such as food, drinks, games, and a whole lot of booze. The event was a great opportunity for cigar enthusiasts to come together and share their love for the craft.
One exciting event that cigar enthusiasts look forward to in November is the unveiling of the Cigar Of The Year 2022. This is the most anticipated announcement in the cigar industry, and many aficionados have their eyes set on which cigar will win the title of the best cigar of the year. This year's announcement is expected to be made on January 26, 2024.
For those who want to stay updated with the latest cigar news, Cigar Journal offers a list of 15 must-read articles. These articles cover different topics, from cigar reviews to industry news and trends. This is a great way to keep yourself informed and to discover new cigars to add to your collection.
Lastly, cigar enthusiasts can also look forward to the new releases of Great Wall Cigar. These cigars promise to offer a unique smoking experience and are perfect for those who want to try something new.
In conclusion, November is an exciting month for cigar enthusiasts. From the new featured cigar to cigar birthdays and events, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate the craft. Whether you are looking for a new cigar to try or want to stay updated with the latest cigar news, there is something for everyone to enjoy.