Viking Rustic
Viking Rustic: A Blend of Passion and Heritage
Viking Rustic is a unique cigar blend that has made a name in the tobacco industry. Initially, it was marketed in central and northern Europe, as well as Scandinavia, the Viking ancestral land. However, Viking Rustic's popularity has risen, particularly in the US, despite its limited availability. This glorious blend is the brainchild of Tim Swanson, co-owner of American Viking Cigars, whose rich Scandinavian heritage has fueled his passion for the cigar industry.
American Viking Cigars is an impressive cigar company that focuses on blending traditional tobaccos with unique flavors. The company operates under the Viking Cigars of Norway and has three different cigar lines: Nordic Warrior, Norseman, and Viking. Among them is the unique Viking Rustic that stands out with its rich yet rustic flavor.
The Filthy Viking, one of the Viking cigars' unique flavors, boasts of a blend of rich Nicaraguan tobacco that is hand-rolled to perfection. This blend has an enticingly complex profile accompanied by its dark, oily maduro wrapper. The Filthy Viking is said to possess coffee and cream flavors with a touch of spice. The cigar has an impressive draw and produces billowing clouds of thick smoke. The Filthy Viking's excellent construction makes every cigar a delight to smoke, allowing smokers to enjoy its various flavors.
In the tobacco industry, Viking Rustic has strongly appealed to those searching for a rustic cigar blend far from the usual luxurious cigar offerings. The blend's spices and unique flavor profile perfectly correlate to the Viking's rugged and adventurous spirit, which sets it apart from other cigar brands. This can be attributed to Tim Swanson's vision for American Viking Cigars - blending traditional and modern tobacco flavors to craft something new while still acknowledging grand old traditions.
Apart from the unique blends, American Viking Cigars' website is worth mentioning. has an array of handmade cigars and pipe tobacco, together with smoking accessories like humidors and lighters. The website design introduces smokers to the Viking world represented by the brand's logo - a Viking carrying his helmet and axe.
In conclusion, Viking Rustic is an exceptional blend popular with seasoned cigar smokers. It is unique, complex, and genuinely rustic. The blend is a manifestation of Tim Swanson's heritage, passion, and vision for traditional tobacco blending. Given that Viking Rustic is only available in a few regions across the world, an opportunity to get your hands on it should be savored.