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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Mixed Box Special

Mixed Box Special

Box-pressed cigars have been around since the early 1900s, but it wasn't until the 1990s that they gained popularity in the United States. This popularity coincided with the big cigar boom that swept the nation during that decade. Box-pressed cigars are cigars that have been shaped to a square profile rather than the traditional round shape. This method of shaping a cigar makes it easier to package and ship, and it results in a unique smoking experience.

C.Gars Ltd is a company that specializes in premium hand-made cigars. They offer a Mixed Box Special that includes a selection of their carefully chosen cigars. This box is a great option for those who want to try different cigars without having to purchase a full box of each one. The Mixed Box Special includes a variety of cigars that have been selected for their premium quality.

Box packaging is not only a convenient way to ship and store cigars, but it also adds to the cigar's aesthetic appeal. The square shape of box-pressed cigars adds a certain elegance that cannot be achieved with traditional round cigars. The Mixed Box Special from C.Gars Ltd is not only a great way to try different cigars, but it also makes for an impressive presentation.

The cost of purchasing a full box of premium cigars can be quite high. The Mixed Box Special from C.Gars Ltd provides customers with an alternative that is more affordable. This box is perfect for those who only smoke one or two brands of cigars and don't want to pay full retail price for a full box of each.

Not only is the Mixed Box Special more affordable than buying full boxes of cigars, but it also offers a variety of cigars for customers to try. This selection of cigars has been specifically chosen by the C.Gars Ltd team for their premium quality. The variety in the box allows customers to try different cigars and find the ones that they love the most.

In conclusion, the Mixed Box Special from C.Gars Ltd is a great option for those who want to try different premium hand-made cigars without having to purchase a full box of each one. The selection of cigars included in the box has been carefully chosen for their premium quality. The box packaging not only makes for an impressive presentation, but it is also an affordable alternative to paying full retail price for a single cigar. So, for those who love premium hand-made cigars and want to try different types, the Mixed Box Special from C.Gars Ltd is the perfect option.

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